
Start with a complex for strength today, build up to the heaviest that you can handle with good form, your focus today should be on pulling under the bar fast and exploding out of the hole. The met-con is a short one with a high skill movement (muscle -up) Scale today to jumping muscle ups, c2b pull-ups or pull-ups and push-ups 1:1. For the RX you must go unbroken on all 6 sets of 12 wall balls – hold on, you can always do 12. Strength Take 20 minutes to hit a heavy complex (complex 32) of 2 hang squat cleans + 1 Squat clean Conditioning 30 Burpee Buy in, then: 6 Rounds for Time 6 Muscle Ups 12 Unbroken Wall Balls
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With the Open less than 75 days away, let’s tackle this one workout from 2012. Spend some time before class warming up for push press and drilling your toes to bar. Step-ups are allowed and considered RX today as per Open standards. Have fun! Warm-Up  Open WOD Prep Mobilize and Drill T2B Donut your push-press mobilze lower ext for BJ  12.3 AMRAP in 18 minutes: 15 box jumps, 24/20″ 12 push presses, 115/75# 9 toes to bar
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Build up to 70-80% of your true 1RM, go by feel if you don’t have recent, quality squat data. Complete 3 sets of 5 reps across NOT increasing weight. Spend some time today dialing in your handstand push-up scales and progressions. The Met-con is a straight forward AMRAP, don’t get stuck on double unders, work to improve, but choose a number that you can get through in :60 or less Back Squat 5-5-5 Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes 40 Double Unders 20 Kettlebell Swings (55/35) 10 Handstand Push-ups
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We’ll be using gymnatsics to work on strength today. You’ll do one minute bouts of strict dips and strict pull-ups with a minute of rest between each for a total of 12 minutes. Don’t worry about counting reps today, just GET STRONGER. Kipping on these movements is considered a scale since we aim to build absolute strength here. Work in banded dips, negatives and ring rows as needed. For Conditioning today, you’ll be completing 4 rounds interval style. Set-up a weight that will allow quick dead lifts and light / moderate power cleans. You’ll have 2 minutes to get through as many rounds and reps as possible of 12 deads, 12 bar facing burpees and 6 power cleans. Go hard, since you’ll have 2 minutes rest between rounds. Your score for the day will be total reps. Strength Alternating EMOM x 12 Ring Dips x ME B) Rest Strict Pull-ups...
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Take 20 minutes and find a heavy 3 rep overhead squat for the day. For conditioning today, we’ll be tackling a chipper. Find a nice pace and take short breaks, can anyone go unbroken? Strength Overhead Squat 3,3,3 Conditioning  For Time 50 Calorie Row 50 Wall Balls 50 Push-ups 50 Kettlebell Swings 50 Sit-ups 50 Walking Lunges
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