
Let’s get in some volume today! Grab two teammates and run through this chipper. 2 athletes may work at a time but all must stop working and complete 2 burpees every minute on the minute. For the med ball run, each team carries one ball and must complete the run together. In teams of 3 For Time 200 hundred air squats 100 Pull-ups 200 Sit-ups 100 Wall Balls 100 Strict Press (45/35) 800M Wall Ball Run w 2 Burpees EMOM
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Let’s get after it with a long one today since we’ll most likely be eating and relaxing a little extra tomorrow. With your partner, set up a rack with all the weight you’ll need for the barbell pieces. As a scale you might decide to lighten the weight which is fine, just work with a coach to decide what you’ll need for both movements. You may split up the work anyway you want but only one athlete may work at a time. Loading and unloading weight during the met-con is part of the workout, so be strategic when deciding how to load the plates onto the bar. For Time In Teams of 2 200 Double Unders 30 Front Squats (205/145) 60 Push-ups 30 Push Jerks (165/115) 60 Burpees 30 Front Squats (205/145) cash out Athlete choice Tabata Sit-ups or Bicep curls
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We last hit this complex back on October 12th, and its brutal. Try to beat your last weight by 2.5-5 pounds. For strength, do about 75% of your 1RM shoulder press. You’ll do 5 presses immediately into 10 push presses. Do sets about every 3 minutes (0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00). For conditioning today, we’ve got a 14 minute AMRAP, straight forward movements, so go hard. Strength Complex 22 5 Strict Press + 10 Push press Conditioning AMRAP in 14 minutes 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 10 Pull-ups 10 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)
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Work your mid-line today during the first part of class. In an untimed format complete 30 strict toes to bar in as few sets as possible. If you’re still progressing to a strict T2B, complete kipping toes to bar, knees to elbows, lying toes to bar, weighted sit-ups or other scales. Ask a coach to find out which variation is best for your needs and ability. For the WOD, Rx + option is available today for those that can handle the heavier weight, keep moving throughout this met-con and don’t blow your wad on the buy in! Strength Accumulate 30 Strict Toes to Bar *or scaled versions For Time Buy in 1K Row 15-9-6 Power Snatch (115/75) (135/95) Back Squat (same bar)
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A fun Sunday chipper today, guys. Start with some mobility and get loose, be ready for lots of wall balls today, try to complete big sets when you’re fresh. For Time 30 Wall Balls 25 Pull-ups 30 Wall Balls 25 Overhead Plate Lunges (45/25) 30 Wall Balls 25 Push Press 95/65 30 Wall Balls  
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