
For strength today, hit 3 heavy sets of hang clean triples and record your heaviest. Focus on pulling under the bar and receiving in a nice vertical position. After that we’ll be hitting a 3 round Met-con, try to hit big sets on the dead lifts and scale ring dips to box versions or even push-ups if needed. Strength Hang Clean 3,3,3 Conditioning 3 Rounds for time 20 Dead lifts (165/115) 40 Double unders 10 Ring dips 2 Rope Climbs
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Lets take a run at an old Open WOD today guys.  This is from 2011, and was a great test of lungs, skill and mobility.  Split up into 2 heats so that we can use counters and keep true to the culture and standards of the CrossFit Open. Before you hit the Met-Con, take the first 20 or so minutes of class to hit  a heavy-ish set of 5 overhead squats from the rack.  Don’t max out, just hit something that will make the met-con feel light.  In addition to working up on the overhead squat, work on any skills or progressions that you still need help on for the muscle up. Muscle Up Met Con scales Coaches Note** Scale suggestions Pull-ups, Pull-ups + push-ups, chest to bar pull-ups, ring pull-ups + push-ups Skill / Prep – 15 minutes Hit a moderate to heavy 5 rep overhead squat Muscle Up...
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At CrossFit Thermal we try to keep the body and the mind guessing.  That’s why we program our workouts using a constantly varied array of movements, time domains and skill progressions.  At CrossFit’s inception, it was said that the main goal of Crossfit was to prepare its participants for the “unknown and the unknowable”.   This means, to make sure that we’re ready for whatever life throws our way; carrying children, crawling under a car to fix a leak, joining in for a beach volleyball game, or even fending off a bear! If you do the same workouts and movements every day, your body adapts and progress stalls.  By the same token if you are able to mentally prepare or even psych yourself out of a workout or task, your results can also be skewed. Enter “BLACK OUT WEEK” Twice a year CrossFit Thermal goes dark…we keep the lights on but...
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For strength today everyone will hit exactly 3 sets of 5 reps of the push jerk. Get in your warm-up sets, but once you declare your first working set, you have a total of 3 sets to find the heaviest set you can. Don’t game it today by “saving” your best set. Complete the work and get stronger! For the Met-con track total reps over the course of 5 rounds with each round completed being worth 21 reps. Each new round begins with shoulder to overhead regardless of where you leave off.  Scale Toes to Bar to hanging knee raises today, try to avoid v-ups / sit-ups. Strength Push Jerk 5,5,5 Conditioning 5 Rounds :90 on :60 off 7 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65) (Rx+115/75) 7 Toes to Bar 7 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)
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Pause back squats are a great way to build core strength and explosiveness.  Hit em today for 5 sets of 3!  Met-con is a straight forward AMRAP, the workout has very low skill movements so put your head down and go all out. Strength Pause Back Squat 5×3 w/ 3 second pause use about 65-75% 1RM Conditioning AMRAP in 10 minutes 6 Box Jump overs (24/20) 12 Push-ups 18 Sit-ups 24 double unders  
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