
Starting at a young age TJ was always interested playing sports and growing up he tried everything from soccer and lacrosse to gymnastics. Throughout high-school he stuck with football, basketball, and baseball and despite having the opportunity to play football in college he decided not to pursue collegiate level athletics. After joining a fraternity and gaining and retaining the freshman 15 for all 4 years, he decided to start working out seriously after graduating college. Bouncing around a few typical gyms (LA fitness, Retro fitness, etc) yielded little to now results. Living outside of Philadelphia he decided to supplement the gym by joining sport and social leagues. After belonging to a gym, playing in a flag football, basketball, and dodgeball social leagues simultaneously and still not seeing his strength and conditioning improve, he knew he had to make a change. After doing some research of crossfit gyms nearby work he...
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You might notice some changes in our programming as we shift into a new phase of training beginning tomorrow.  For example tomorrow we’re introducing “bucket” style structured gymnastics work.  We’ve done stuff like this before, but in case you don’t know, here is how to use it when you show up to Thermal. There are four “buckets” tomorrrow A,B,C, and D.  Most of you will fall into one of these buckets, simply look at the options and chose which bucket is appropriate for your experience and ability.  Some of you may need variations of the prescriptions, but those changes will be simple for our coaches to put in place for you.  If you’re not sure where you land – ask your coach, we see you guys everyday and we’ll know where you land. The reason behind this is that as coaches we find that more “work” gets done when we...
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Today, we’ll be doing structured gymnastics skill work in the beginning of class.  Chose your “bucket” and do the work prescribed at your own pace.  Focus on improving and dialing in form.  The metcon is a straight forward AMRAP; squats should be quick but tough, try to squat clean your first rep. Skill Work A. 5 x 3-7 muscle ups B. 5 x ME Muscle Ups C. 5×5 hips to rings +5 transitions D. 5x 3-7 strict Pull-ups (or ring pull-ups) Conditioning AMRAP in 10 Minutes 4 Front Squats (165/115) 6 Burpees over bar 8 Toes to Bar
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Work up to a 5 rep max deadlift – if you’re newer and need to work on form, then just work up to a heavy set of five while focusing on mechanics. For the metcon, power cleans should be fairly easy, especially after deadlifts. Around 60% of your max clean is about right. Pistols should be alternating left leg, right leg. Scale by either holding onto an upright or doing pistols to a box of appropriate height. Strength 5RM Deadlift Metcon 21-15-9 power cleans, 135/95# pistols, L/R
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CrossFit Thermal – CrossFit Strength Deadlift (5RM) Metcon Metcon (Time) 21-15-9 power cleans, 135/95# pistols, L/R
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