
Work up and do three heavy sets of two overhead squats. If you need to work on mobility between sets, then do so. For the metcon, choose a very manageable weight for the power snatches. Singles are fine, but you should be able to get back on the bar right away. An Rx athlete will probably string 3-5 of them though. Scale HSPUs to pike box, wall walks (3), or stink bugs. Scale the number of double unders if needed. Strength Overhead Squat 2,2,2 Conditioning 4 rounds for time: 10 power snatches, 95/65# 10 HSPUs 30 double unders
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Rx+ option is to use 70/53 for KB weights. To setup for the deadlifts, have KBs on the outside of your feet and grasp the bell like you would start a farmer’s carry. Make sure to set your back and use your legs to drive up. Try not to flop the bells down on the descent. AMRAP in 20 min. 400m run 20 toes-through-rings 20 KB deadlifts, 53/35 (70/53 Rx+)
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Beginning of class should be time to work up to a heavy weight for the complex. Clean and hang clean should be received in a full squat. Jerk can be a power jerk or split jerk. Then FRAN! Go hard and fast – this is not meant to be slogged through. Time cap is 10 min. Strength  clean + hang clean + jerk Test Fran 21-15-9 Thrusters (95/65) Pull-ups  
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7 rounds for time: (20 min. cap) 7 burpee box jumps*, 24/20″ 14 KB swings, 70/53# 35 double unders *each round add 1 burpee box jump. So first round you do 7, second round you do 8, etc. KB weight should be heavy, even if it means going Russian style.
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Work up to a heavy set of 3 and repeat that weight for 2 more sets. Take no more than 15 minutes for this. Scale bar muscle-ups to 15 chest-to-bar pull-ups or other pull-up variations. No dip scales today. Strength back squat 3×3 Conditioning AMRAP in 15 min: run 800m 45 wall balls, 20/14# 30 power cleans, 135/95# 15 bar muscle-ups
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