
For strength, do about 75% of your 1RM shoulder press. You’ll do 5 presses immediately into 10 push presses. Do sets every 3 minutes (0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00) For the AMRAP, the front squats come from the ground and increase by 2 each round. Toes-to-bar increase by 3. Box jumps increase by 4. Score will be total reps (coaches will have a cheat sheet for you on the board)   Strength 4 sets: 5 shoulder press + 10 push press, 75% of 1RM press Conditioning AMRAP in 13 min: 2 front squats, 135/95# 3 toes-to-bar 4 box jumps, 24/20″ 4, 6, 8…6, 9, 12…etc.
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Pick a dumbbell or KB to use for the entire EMOM. Obviously if you are getting less than 3 reps in a minute, switch the weight. Scaled can be either bodyweight or banded strict pull-ups. Clean and jerks for the Met-Con can be any style – power or squat cleans, and push jerks or split jerks. Pull-ups can be butterfly, kipping, banded, ring rows, etc. Strength EMOM for 9 minutes: 3-6 weighted pull-ups Conditioning 14 rounds for time (18 min. cap) 5 pull-ups 3 clean and jerks, 165/110#
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Buy in with a 1000m row, then get to work on KB snatches. These are one-armed snatches from knee height to lock-out overhead. If it works better for you to snatch from the ground, that’s fine, but it’s not required. Switch arms as necessary. Cash out score is the total number of push-ups completed across all three sets. For time: (20 min. cap) row 1000m 100 KB snatches, 53/35# Cash Out ME push-ups in 90 sec. rest 90 sec. ME push-ups in 60 sec. rest 60 sec. ME push-up IN 30 sec.
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Back squats should be at the same weight – about 75% of your 1RM. Warm up to the weight and then go at evenly spaced intervals: 0:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00. If 100 double unders seems impossible, scale to 50. If that seems like too much, do 100 single unders. Score is rounds + reps. Strength Back Squat 3×5 Conditioning AMRAP in 12 min: 100 double unders 50 wall balls, 20/14# 25 power snatches, 95/65#
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Painstorms are old school CrossFit workouts designed to be what they’re named. For today, we will give you the option to partner up as a way to scale this. If you do partners, one person runs through one complete round and then their partner runs through the next round. Doing this solo AND doing each round unbroken (not letting go of the bar, touch-and-go reps) will earn you an Rx+ for today. “Painstorm XIX” AMRAP in 40 minutes: 5 deadlifts, 95/65# 5 hang power cleans 5 front squats 5 push presses 5 back squats
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1 126 127 128 129 130 246