
Use the beginning of class to work on your technique for these movements (yes, there’s a technique to running!) You will have 6 minutes to do as much work as possible at each station. Rest 3 minutes and rotate to the next station. Scale muscle-ups to sets of 5 pull-ups/ring rows and 5 ring dips/parallette dips. ME for 6 min. at each station. Rest 3 min. between stations. row (cals) muscle-ups run
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Take most of class to find a new 1RM snatch. This may be squat or power. The metcon is meant to be a fairly quick cash out, so scale the weight accordingly. Suggested is 60-65%, but that will depend on whether you did squat or power snatch, plus other factors like mobility and strength endurance. Strength 1RM Snatch Conditioning 3 rounds for time: 10 OHS, ~60-65% of 1RM snatch 10 bar-facing-burpees
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At eight reps per set, bench press today is meant to get a bit of a pump on while still staying towards the strength end of things. Build up over three heavy sets of eight. The AMRAP is an ascending ladder of clean and jerks and toes-to-bar. CJ’s are meant to be power style. Strength 8,8,8 Conditioning AMRAP in 11 minutes: 1 clean and jerk, 155/105# 2 toes-to-bar 2 clean and jerks 4 toes-to-bar 3, 6…4,8…etc.
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For the alternating EMOM, find one or two other people that would do the same weight front squat so you can each start at a different station. We won’t be recording this part of today’s workout – use it to work on form and double under practice. The cash out is Tabata push-ups and sit-ups for total reps. Score each separately and rest 1 minute between. Alternating EMOM for 15 minutes: A) 5 front squats B) 20 skater strides (Apollo Onos) C) 30 double unders Then: Tabata: push-ups rest 1 minute sit-ups
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Member of The Month WOD “Ali” From an early age, Ali had always been interested in sports. Having moved around a lot throughout her childhood, soccer had proved a great way to meet new people and make new friends. She played competitively throughout grade school, high school and college. After graduation, Ali continued on to graduate school for Speech-Language Pathology. With school and work taking up most of her time, working out was no longer a priority. Once graduating, she tried to get back into shape going to the Y and hot yoga. However, nothing seemed to keep her interest. Her husband Ron, already an avid crossfitter, finally convinced her to try Crossfit. She joined a local box in Ohio in January of 2014 and was hooked. Fast forward to early 2015. Ali and Ron were moving to Conshy and were in town house hunting and, of course, scouting out...
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