
For today’s workout, you’ll keep the walking lunge distance the same while pull-ups and V-ups descend by 3 reps apiece each round. Your last round will be 100 ft. walking lunge, 3 pull-ups, and 3 V-ups. For time: 100 ft. walking lunge 21 pull-ups 21 V-ups 100 ft. walking lunge 18 pull-ups 18 V-ups 100, 15, 15…100, 3, 3.
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Start by finding a heavy hang clean + clean. Both should be received in a squat. We are not necessarily going for a max here – use the time for form and dial back if you are feeling like form is degrading. The metcon is a bit different than we’ve seen before: you may either run or row (depending on equipment and preference) and swings are going to be russian style – only to eye level. You will be going overhead with the KB, but in a push press or jerk form. Hold it in one hand against your shoulder, dip, drive up and lock your elbow out in a push press or jerk movement. Do 10 with the right arm and 10 with the left. It doesn’t matter which arm you start with, but you must do all 10 before switching. (this doesn’t mean you have go unbroken) Strength...
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Deadlifts should be heavy – if you are scaling, then aim for about 70% of your 1RM. These do not need to be strung together. Toes-through-rings are like toes-to-bar except you’ll probably find them easier. If you need to scale, do V-ups. Since this is a longer AMRAP, most people should aim to do 25 double unders instead of scaling the number back. (gotta get used to those higher sets at some point!) AMRAP in 20 minutes: 5 deadlifts, 275/185# 15 toes-through-rings 25 double unders
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First, find a 3RM thruster from the ground. You can do this individually or in groups. Then, pair up and get ready for some fun. For the ring dips, thrusters, and burpees over bar, only one person works at a time. For the tire flips, you may either flip it back and forth to each other or both flip it from the same side. You will work for 45 seconds at each station and have 15 seconds to transition. Your score is total reps across all movements. Strength 3RM thruster Conditioning In teams of 2, ME at each station (3 rounds, :45 work, :15 transition): Tire flips ring dips thrusters, 115/75# Burpees over bar
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Use time in the beginning of class to do some muscle-up drills. To scale, think about what would challenge you in terms of a pull-up + dip combo. Ring pull-ups, banded pull-ups, kipping, ring rows, etc. are all options for the pull-up and then ring dips, assisted ring dips, parallette dips, and push-ups can all be used for the dip portion. Most people should use a ratio of either 2:1 or 1:1 when substituting movements. (e.g. someone who is proficient at kipping pull-ups, but doesn’t have a muscle-up may want to do 14 pull-ups per round or 7 ring pull-ups which are typically harder) Time cap: 30 minutes 5 rounds for time: 400m run 7 muscle-ups 28 air squats
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