
For the strength complex, you’ll do 1 deadlift, then a hang (squat) clean, then a full (squat) clean. For this, you must touch and go between the hang clean and clean (no dropping the bar, although you may regrip once you bring the bar back to your hips/thighs on the way down) Don’t be confused by the 9-6-3 or 21-15-9 rep scheme in the metcon – you are still doing 3 rounds. In other words, once you do your 3 front squats and 9 push-ups, you go back to the beginning and start over with 9 front squats and 21 push-ups. Those who need to scale should scale the weight for front squats (keep the reps) but scale the reps of push-ups to something like 15-12-9. Of course you may also modify the movement to a backpack push-up or elevated. Strength Deadlift + hang clean + clean 20 Minutes to...
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CrossFit Thermal – Endurance Today marks the last day of Club Endur for the 2016 season. It’s been a great year with tons of sweat, smiles and PRs. As a special treat for the last class we decided to try something different with the programming. One of the most vocal members on the Club Endur programming has been Courtney. For the last three years, she has been making the same comments – even going back to when Club Endur consisted of only two people, Courtney and Pavan. Usually her comments are along the lines of “Are you sure we need to do those extra 400’s??” or “I think you made a mistake in the programming because you can’t really expect us to run that much!”. Today, all programming comments should be directed to Courtney because we decided to let Courtney program the last Club Endur. Her favorite two types of...
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Today is the classic benchmark chipper, Filthy Fifty. Brand new members may want to scale to 35’s – don’t underestimate this workout! Time cap will be 40 minutes. Recommended setup is to have stations where a bunch of KB’s are available in the same area, same for barbells for push presses, etc. as you don’t need one piece of equipment out for each person. “Filthy Fifty” For time: 50 Box jumps, 24/20″ 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 53/35# 50 Walking lunges 50 Knees to elbows 50 Push presses, 45# 50 Supermans 50 Wall balls, 20/14# 50 Burpees 50 Double unders
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Find a new 1RM overhead squat today – take it from the racks. Then we have a couplet for time consisting of running and power snatches – weight should be moderately heavy, but focus on dropping under the bar to receive it in a quarter squat rather than pressing it out. Strength 1RM Overhead Squat Conditioning 3 rounds for time: run 400m 15 power snatches, 135/95#
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Beginning of class will be skill work for the kipping pull-ups and butterfly pull-up. A lot of us can work on being more efficient, so we will do some drills for these movements. For those who don’t have the connective tissue strength to be doing these movements, we will focus on progressions to get stronger in the pull-up. The metcon consists of 4 Tabatas. You will do 8 intervals of 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest and try to do as many reps at each station. Today we are going to do traditional Tabata scoring which is the LOWEST round that you score. For instance, if you get 20 wall balls in the first round at that station, but you get 7 by the last round, your score is 7. We will score each movement separately. Skill Pull-up work / Kipping / Butterfly Conditioning Tabata: Row, cals Wall balls, 20/14#...
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1 135 136 137 138 139 246