
Today you get to choose the movements from certain categories, so think about what you want to do before coming in. For A, you should do work for 40 seconds. For B and C, it should be about 30 seconds of work, but it will be dependent on what you do. (e.g. 15 pull-ups per round won’t take that long at first, but it may after 5 rounds) For D (barbell movements), choose something that is about 5 reps worth of work. These should not be anywhere near a max weight – look at this as more of barbell practice for form and efficiency. “Choose Your Own Adventure” EMOM 32 minutes: A) Run, Row, DU, or Airdyne B) Bodyweight movement (pu, burpee, hspu, etc) C) Wall ball, KB swing, or box jump D) Barbell movement 5 reps
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Today’s workout consists of the two WODs from the Rookie Rumble that a number of our members are competing in on Oct. 8th. Take 15-20 minutes to find a max weight for the oly complex – for those competing, keep in mind you will only have 6 minutes to officially establish this max. You will most likely have a separate area to warm up though, so you might want to treat the first part of strength as warm up and then the last 6 minutes for the max. For the metcon, you have a buy-in of 40 wall balls, then an AMRAP of push presses and burpees. Strength Power clean + front squat + jerk Conditioning In 8 minutes: 40 wall balls, 20/14# then AMRAP 8 push presses, 95/65# 8 burpees
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For the weighted push-up, have others place plates on your back. The push-up ROM starts in a high plank, descends to where your chest touches the ground, and back up to a high plank position. If weighted is too much, then do 5 sets of 5-8 push-ups at an elevated position. Strength 1RM Weighted Push-up Conditioning For time: 50-40-30-20-10 air squat sit-ups double unders
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The two components (strength + metcon) will run consecutively (no breaks between). You will get into teams of 3 (4 is acceptable) and quickly find a 2RM back squat for each of you. You will need to take it from a single rack with a single bar. Immediately following the 10 minutes of strength, you will transition to the metcon. One person will run 200m while another teammate starts on wall balls and the third starts on burpees facing parallettes. When the runner returns, they replace the person doing the wall balls who replaces the person doing the burpees who goes out and runs. Cycle through this counting only wall balls and burpees. If you have a 4th person, they will be “siamese twins” with someone else, and doing movements simultaneously. The strength component will be scored individually for everyone as a 5RM back squat. However, the metcon score is...
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Last week we found our 1RM clean and jerk – today we find our 1RM snatch! Find your max squat snatch and if you happen to have a better power snatch, do that, but note it in Wodify. The metcon is actually 3 mini WODs. Each one you will have 3 minutes to row 300m and then complete as many hang power snatches as possible. Rest between efforts, about 1-2 minutes or a heat’s worth of time if alternating heats. Strength 1RM Snatch Conditioning 3 rounds, 3:00 of work: 300m row ME hang power snatches, 65% rest 1-2 minutes
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