
Let’s give the barbell a break and get some gymnastics and grunt work in. Scale toes-to-bar with limited ROM or V-ups. Scale push-ups by leaning on an elevated surface – this preserves the body position of a full push-up while assisting with the amount of weight you need to move. If you need to reduce your double unders, that’s fine, but most of you should try to do 20 since this is an AMRAP and you have plenty of time. AMRAP in 20 mins: 8 toes-to-bar 12 KB swings, 53/35# 16 push-ups 20 double unders
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For those competing in Summer Slam, you know that one of the events is a series of hang cleans, so strength will be good practice. The hang clean starts with the bar between the knees and the hips and ends in a full squat and then standing up. Find a 2 rep, then a 1 rep. Then, a classic workout from – if you Google “Nasty Girls” you can see three OG’s working out and killing it! Scale 7 muscle-ups to 14 pull-ups and 14 dips (dips may be from the rings, boxes, or parallettes) Hang power cleans do not have to be strung, but you should get around 5+. If you can’t, it’s too heavy. Strength Hang Clean 2, 2, 1, 1 Conditioning “Nasty Girls” For time: 50 air squats 7 muscle-ups 10 hang power cleans, 135/95#
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Use the beginning of class to warm up your deadlift and get to the weight for the metcon. It should be heavy – if you can Rx the weight, then do it, but if not then use around 75%. Although it says 10 rounds for time, this isn’t necessarily going to be a sprint. You may do singles for the deadlifts and need to setup and brace yourself – that’s fine. 10 rounds for time: 3 deadlifts, 315/215# 6 HSPUs 9 wall balls, 20/14#
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Bars come from the ground – you’ll have to clean it and then push jerk, split jerk, or push press for the shoulder-to-overheads. On the last StO, put the bar on your back for the back squats. For Time “Freddy’s Revenge 2.0” 5 rounds for time: 5 burpees 7 shoulder-to-overhead, 135/95# 9 back squats, 135/95#
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For strength, take the bar from the rack and comlepe three front squats, and a jerk. Jerk may be a power jerk or split jerk. The AMRAP in an ascending ladder of thrusters and chest-to-bar pull-ups. Your score is total rounds and reps, so if you completed the round of 7 (7 thrusters and 14 CTB PUs) and 3 thrusters of the round of 8, your score is 7+3. Strength  3 front squats + jerk Conditioning AMRAP in 10 minutes: 1 thruster, 115/75# 2 chest-to-bar pull-ups 2 thrusters 4 chest-to-bar pull-ups 3, 6…4, 8…etc.
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1 138 139 140 141 142 246