
For strength, work up to a 5 rep deadlift – go for a PR attempt if you’re feeling good, otherwise just keep it heavy. Then, deload to 65% of that weight for the metcon. At the top of the first minute, you will do 1 deadlift and 20 double unders, then rest for the remainder of the minute. At the top of the second minute, you will do 2 deadlifts and 20 double unders and rest the remainder of the minute. Continue adding one deadlift to the sequence each minute. You are done once you cannot complete the required work. Your score is the completed round + extra reps. Scale double unders to something you can do in about 15-20 seconds. For today, singles are acceptable as a scale in order to stay consistent and moving. Strength 5RM Dead lift Conditioning Death by deadlifts and double unders: Min 1: 1...
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CrossFit Thermal – Endurance The first part of todays wod is a 1 mile time trial. Its the day you have been waiting for all summer, time to answer the question of how fast can you run a mile. This is about putting out a max effort to see where you are time wise. The second part is about recovery and focusing on maintaining pace. We are going to do 5x400M with a 1:1 work rest. The goal of the 400M is to hit or better your 400M split from your mile. For example, if you run a 8:00 mile on the time trial, that means your goal on the 5×400 is 2:00 or less on all 400M. Part 1 – Time Trial 1600M – record time to WODIFY Part 2 – Put in That Work 5x400M with 1:1 work/rest Part 3 – Mobility Calf rolling 1-Mile Run (Time) Max...
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LT Robert James Kalsu (April 13, 1945 – July 21, 1970) was selected as an Oklahoma Sooner All-American Tackle in 1967. As an eighth-round draft pick of the Buffalo Bills in 1968, he started eight games at Guard and was voted the team’s top rookie in 1968. He began fulfilling his ROTC obligation with the US Army following the ’68 season and started his tour of duty in Vietnam in November of 1969, where he served with Battery C, 2nd Battalion, 11th Artillery, 101st Airborne Division. His MOS was 1193-Field Artillery Unit Commander. LT Bob Kalsu was killed by mortar fire on July 21,1970 at Firebase Ripcord near the Ashau Valley. When the clock starts, you will do 5 burpees and thrusters the remainder of that minute. Then 5 burpees on the minute every minute. The goal is to get to 100 thrusters. You may decide that you want to...
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MaryKate started her crossfit journey as a sophomore in college. After playing soccer all through high school, then going to a college where playing soccer and being a nursing major were unheard of. Unfortunately she had to choose soccer or nursing.. unfortunately nursing won.. womp womp! MaryKate quickly realized that playing soccer was a big part of who she was, when it was over she found her self depressed and some what bored. She found her self going to the college gym, which didn’t seem to satisfy her workout craving. So she then was introduced to crossfit through a friend. “I was told by many, I wouldn’t be able to work out everyday, and study, and maintain a 3.5 GPA. Well needless to say I was ambitious to prove them all wrong! The crossfit community has been one that is so contagious and inviting! I have loved every minute of...
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Amanda Miller competed in the 2009 CrossFit games and sadly, lost her battle with cancer less than one year later. In 2010, the first WOD of the 2010 Games was dedicated to her and now “Amanda” is known as one of the gold-standard for fitness and tenacity in all of CrossFit. For strength, we are looking for a max snatch, however, you should practice your full snatch for most of the time. At the end of the strength portion, if you’d like to get in a power snatch or two because that’s a higher weight than your full snatch, that’s fine. Note it in Wodify. For the muscle-ups, scale to 3 pull-ups and 3 dips. Snatch weight should be moderately heavy for your full snatch (around 80% or less) Strength 1RM snatch Conditioning “Amanda” 9-7-5 for time: muscle-ups full snatch, 135/95#
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