
Paul grew up in the East Falls section of Phila and began playing sports at around age 6, primarily baseball, football and golf, both in organized leagues and around the neighborhood, up through high school. With sports taking a back seat as he worked his way through college his weight would always be an issue fluctuating up and down on the scales. Joining several gyms over the years the problem was consistently going. Lifting at the globo-gyms bored him til he found himself practically not working out at all. This routine went on for many years, along with trying new workouts like Muay Thai, P90X, straight up running (did the Broad St in 2007 & 2008) but nothing seemed to keep his intensity and attention. Finally after feeling like death at the Spartan Run in November 2015 and having 2 friends already doing CrossFit he decided to give it a...
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Take 20 minutes to find a new max front squat. Take it out of the rack and keep those elbows up! The metcon consists of 3 Tabatas. Each will be scored separately for total reps. Rest for 1 minute after each movement. Strength 1RM Front Squat Conditioning Tabata: Box jumps, 24/20″ rest 1 minute Sit-ups rest 1 minute Wall balls, 20/14#
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Phoenix Firefighter Brad Harper, 23, of Peoria, Arizona, died while on the scene of a two-alarm fire on May 19, 2013. Harper loved being a firefighter and had worked with the Phoenix Fire Department, where he was assigned to Rescue 21, for two years.He is survived by his wife, Lena; three younger brothers, Ryan, Daniel and Jacob; and parents, Bob and Cyndy. “Harper” AMRAP in 23 minutes 9 chest-to-bar pull-ups 15 power cleans, 135/95# 21 air squats run 400m with 45/25# plate
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CrossFit Thermal – Endurance Today’s work out is a twist from inside the gym – we will be doing tabata style 400’s. How is that even possible, you ask? Easy – here’s how it will work. We will run 400’s every 4 minutes so that there is a set work/rest period. If you run a 1:20 400M, you will have 2:40 to rest before the next 400M. The tabata style comes in play in that we are recording your SLOWEST 400 time which means that CONSISTENCY is your friend. You need to run at the fastest pace you can maintain for all of the 400’s. Part A- Tabata 400’s Run 8×400 with a 400 every 4 minutes, rest for balance of time. Record SLOWEST time to WODIFY Part B -Mobility Banded high hamstring stretch 400m Run (Time) Max Effort 400m RunYour slowest of the tabata
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Today’s strength is meant to warm you up for the metcon. (Strength will not be scored in Wodify) Simply work up to a heavy 5 rep bench so that the metcon weight feels lighter. This should take no more than 10 minutes. There are 3 options to choose from: 135, 95, or 65 pound bars. You will do 10 bench presses, then immediately get on a rower (rowers may be setup closer to the racks than normal) and sprint row 250m. Rest about 2 minutes between efforts, although this time might be different depending on the number of people in each class with staggered heats. You will score the fastest round in Wodify, but also write the other 4 times in the Notes section. Strength Bench press 5, 5, 5 Conditioning 5 rounds, each for time: 10 bench press, 135/95/65# row 250m
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