In order to honor those who lost their lives in Orlando, we are going to do this custom workout. It starts with 49 double unders, then has 7 rounds of 7 movements, each with 7 reps per round. After all 7 rounds are complete, you will finish the workout with 49 double unders. Much like the hero workouts we do, let’s use this as a time to be grateful for what we have and remember that even being able to workout is a privilege. “Orlando 49” For time: 49 double unders, then 7 rounds of: 7 pull-ups 7 deadlifts, 225/155# 7 burpees 7 box jumps, 24/20″ 7 sit-ups 7 wall balls, 20/14# 7 ring dips then, 49 double unders
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