
Let’s work on mobility for the overhead squat for a bit during warm up. Then, setup a barbell so the weight is moderately heavy for the overhead squats. Take these from the ground and either power snatch or full snatch them. They should ideally be done in one set. AMRAP in 20 minutes: run 400m 6 overhead squats, 115/75# 12 V-ups 24 double unders
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Use the first 20 minutes of class to find a new 5 rep max deadlift. Make sure you tighten those lats up (pretend like you’re about to get tickled). The metcon is a couplet of burpees and muscle-ups. Scale muscle-ups based on what you need: those with good strength on pull-ups and dips should focus on transitions and jumping muscle-ups. Others may want to do a combo of ring pull-ups and ring dips. Others may need to do banded bar pull-ups and assisted ring dips or parallette dips. Strength 5RM Deadlift Conditioning 3 rounds for time: 24 burpees 8 muscle-ups
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This workout may start at any station, but move in order of the movements written. Do as many reps as you can in 60 seconds and then switch to the next station. Continue in this fashion for 5 minutes and then rest for 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. Your score is total reps. There is no transition time built into the workout. Yes, both men and women use 20″ boxes. “Fight Gone Bad” 3 Rounds of 1 Minute at Each Station 1 Minute rest between rounds Wall balls, 20/14# Sumo deadlift high pull, 75/55# Box jumps, 20″ Push presses, 75/55# Row, calories
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Find a 2 rep front squat from the racks – if you already have a 2RM in wodify, hit a weight about 10-20# below that, then go for a PR. The more advanced lifter should add a smaller increment over your previous PR. For instance, a new person may add 10-30 lbs over their previous number while an advanced lifter may only add 2.5-5 lbs. For the metcon, substitute 3 rope pulls for every rope climb if scaling. Also, the cleans should be FULL cleans (squat below parallel) Strength 2RM Front squat Conditioning 4 rounds for time: 3 rope climbs 12 cleans, 135/95#
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In order to honor those who lost their lives in Orlando, we are going to do this custom workout. It starts with 49 double unders, then has 7 rounds of 7 movements, each with 7 reps per round. After all 7 rounds are complete, you will finish the workout with 49 double unders. Much like the hero workouts we do, let’s use this as a time to be grateful for what we have and remember that even being able to workout is a privilege. “Orlando 49” For time: 49 double unders, then 7 rounds of: 7 pull-ups 7 deadlifts, 225/155# 7 burpees 7 box jumps, 24/20″ 7 sit-ups 7 wall balls, 20/14# 7 ring dips then, 49 double unders
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1 150 151 152 153 154 246