
We have heavy thrusters in the metcon, so before that, let’s warm up with some heavy front squats. Then, find a partner for the metcon. Partner A will do 15 thrusters and 15 burpees, then Partner B will do 15 thrusters and 15 burpees. Then Partner A will do 12 thrusters and 12 burpees, then Partner B. Finish up with the 9s and you’re done! This should be treated as a sprint. Strength Front Squat 5, 5, 5 Conditioning With a partner for time: 15-12-9 Thrusters, 135/95# Burpees over bar
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  Let’s get an early summer Throwdown on the calendar guys, we’ve got a lot of new members in the community and I think they should get in on the fun. On Thursday June 23rd, CrossFit Thermal is bringing back the famous Quidditch Throwdown!  This was an amazing event last November and I think we can throw a few more twists in this time to make it even better! In addition we’ll break in the new basketball net with some two on two tournament style action outside. Who can participate – Members of CrossFit Thermal and their friends and family. What time does it start – 6:30pm, We chose a Thursday night this time, since Friday nights in the summer are tough for a lot of people in the gym.  With a 6:30pm start, we’ll still hold a WOD class in the Forge / outside (for those of you who...
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Find a max weight for the complex: snatch pull + snatch. The snatch pull ends with a shrug, but keep your arms loose and straight (no high pull) with the bar glancing off your hips. Then, maintaining your grip on the bar, touch the bar to the ground and perform a full snatch. The snatch pull is a great exercise for those who tend to bend early with the arms. The metcon is interval style: a minute of rowing for calories, 30 seconds rest, and a minute of power cleans. Your score is total calories and power cleans performed for 4 rounds (11:30 including work and rest) Strength Snatch pull + snatch Conditioning 4 rounds for reps: 1:00 row (calories) :30 rest 1:00 power cleans, 135/95# :30 rest
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At CrossFit Thermal our community is always changing and we want to be able to provide class times and structures that work for as many of our members as we can.  Recently we did a poll of our regular daytime class attendees and we got some positive feedback about the noon time slot.  As a result we will be going to a new schedule starting Monday 6/6.  Keep in mind that only mid-day classes have been affected. Monday Wednesday Friday – CrossFit – Noon Tuesday – Thursday Crossfit – 9:30AM Basically we flipped the 9:30 and Noon days in order to benefit from one additional noon time slot.   This also allows us to keep a couple 9:30 slots for people who love them.
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Jess essentially grew up in the gym, as a competitive gymnast from an early age. After a tough decision to quit gymnastics when adolescence hit and a desire to be a more ‘normal’ high school student took over, Jess struggled with finding a new sport. She quickly found out that reaching the age of 15 without ever playing a ‘ball’ sport left her with zero eye-hand coordination. So, she turned to the only high school sport that wouldn’t require her to throw, catch or kick anything, and joined the cross country team. She finished out her high school years and all 4 years of college as a cross country and track athlete. After college, there were periods of being in and out of shape, but she more or less stuck with the only thing she knew – running. There were occasional stints of hitting the gym to try to ‘get...
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