
Setup for both workouts, but score them separately. The first WOD is exactly the same as Regional WOD #3 except it has a longer time cap while the second is a variation. If you finish WOD 1 under 10 minutes, it gives you extra time to rest. If you do not finish, your score is 10:00 + 1 second for every rep you did not finish. For WOD 2, there is no time cap. If you would rather do 28 pistols (14L/14R) each round instead of air squats, it would be considered Rx+. For time: 104 wall balls, 20/14# 52 pull-ups (time cap: 10 minutes) rest 1 minute 4 rounds for time: 28 air squats 15 power cleans, 115/80#
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Run this like Fight Gone Bad – 3 rounds of 1 minute at each station (no transition time). After the 5 stations, rest 1 minute, then repeat for the other 2 rounds. Your score is total reps for all movements. 3 rounds for total reps: KB swings, 70/53# HSPUs row, calories burpees box jumps, 24/20″
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For the weightlifting complex, the clean should be a full squat, then an additional 3 front squats, plus a jerk (push jerk or split jerk). Beginners may do a power clean + 4 front squats as a progression. For the metcon, cleans should be full squat. Scale chest-to-bar pull-ups to unassisted pull-ups, banded, jumping, or ring rows. Count this as rounds + reps (each round corresponds to the number of cleans you will do)   Clean + 3 FS + Jerk AMRAP in 12 minutes: 1 clean, 165/110# 2 chest-to-bar pull-ups 20 double unders 2 cleans 4 chest-to-bar pull-ups 20 double unders 3, 6, 20…4, 8, 20…etc.
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  4 THINGS I LEARNED FROM MURPH   This past Memorial Day, I participated on what may have been the hardest, and most challenging workout of my life, “Murph”.  Named after Lt. Michael Murphy of the Navy SEALs who was killed while in Afghanistan in 2005, the workout consists of a 1 mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 air squats, and topped off with a 1 mile run, all while wearing a 20lb vest. Since I’ve only been doing Crossfit for about 7 month, I figured I had to complete my first “Murph” as prescribe. Participating in Murph taught me a few things about myself, and life in general.   #1. Break it down Murph is comprised of 600 reps, and 2 miles. That is a daunting number when you add it all up. The easiest way to tackle the beast is break it up. The way that I...
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This is a variation of Regional workout #5. Warm up to a heavy deadlift so the workout weight is heavy, but doable. Deadlift, heavy 3 rounds for time: 400m run 40 V-ups 7 deadlifts, 315/215#
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1 158 159 160 161 162 246