
A chipper of a workout. The snatches and cleans may be anyhow – power or full. Muscle-up scales should be either 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups + 10 dips or 20 pull-ups + 10 dips. For time: 5 snatches, 135/95# 10 muscle-ups 15 cleans, 135/95# 20 box jumps, 24/20″ 50 burpees 20 box jumps, 24/20″ 15 cleans, 135/95# 10 muscle-ups 5 snatches, 135/95#
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Let’s work on getting better at push-ups in an EMOM format today.  Challenge yourself and use a deficit if push-ups are easy for you.  Pairing that with CAL row will get our aerobic engines primed for a tough Met-Con. Scale HSPU to stink bugs or wall walks as needed, but be sure to choose something that will keep you moving.  Aim to go unbroken for the wall balls.  Have fun! Alternating EMOM x 10 A. 10 Deficit Push-ups B. 10-15 Calorie Row Conditioning 3 rounds for time: 400m run 7 HandStand Push-ups 14 Wall Balls 21 Double Unders
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For Strength, take the barbell from the rack and find the heaviest weight you can for the complex.  Conditioning is a triplet, full cleans are needed for this WOD and feel free to go right into the lunges from the cleans.  We’ll only be counting full rounds today since the rounds are short, so push to finish that last round! Strength 3 front squats + 1 jerk Conditioning AMRAP in 9 minutes 6 Pull-ups 6 Cleans (135/95) 6 Front Rack Lunges (135/95)
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In partners complete the work in any order and partition as necessary. For instance, while you could do 100 deadlifts to start, you could also start with 25 KB swings, then do 25 push-ups, etc. Partners do not necessarily have to do equal work – play to each other’s strengths. In partners, for time: 100 deadlifts, 225/155# 150 wall balls, 20/14# 175 KB swings, 53/35# 200 push-ups
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A longer metcon to send you off into the weekend. Push presses and front squats should be the same weight – it should be doable in one or two sets for the push presses. For box jump overs, the standard is to get to the other side – not required to reach extension on top of the box. AMRAP in 25 minutes: 10 push presses, 115/75# 15 box jump overs, 24/20″ 10 front squats, 115/75# 15 burpees
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