
Although the cleans are challenging, much of this workout is about managing the toes-to-bar correctly. Stay within your capacity, breaking sets as needed but keeping rest disciplined, so that you are able to maintain your pace across rounds. These are going to add up fast. By the time you get to the fourth round, you’ll have already done seventy-five reps. That’s no joke. TZ Strength Reebok CrossFit Games Open 16.2 4-Minute AMRAP + Bonus Time of: 25 Toes To Bar 50 Double Unders Squat Cleans* *Round 1 – 15 @ 135# / 85# *Round 2 – 13 @ 185# / 115# *Round 3 – 11 @ 225# / 145# *Round 4 – 9 @ 275# / 175# *Round 5 – 7 @ 315# / 205# Time extends by 4-minutes when completing a round. If you complete Round 5, your score is the time you finish. AMRAP – Reps  
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Strength Take 20 minutes to find your 3 RM Push Press Conditioning For Time 2 Rounds 30 Box Jumps 30 V-ups 30 KB Swings (55/35) 30 Goblet Squats (55/35) 30 Double Unders
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For skill, attempt as many toes-to-bar as possible in 45 seconds, then rest/transition to as many rips dips as possible in 45 seconds. Switch back and forth for 10 minutes (5 sets for each movement) Score the toes-to-bar and ring dips separately for total reps. For the metcon, you will have 2 minutes to row 250m and immediately get off to do as many thrusters as possible. Rest about 2 minutes (this may change based on class sizes and staggered starts) Your score is total amount of thrusters completed over 4 rounds. Skill :45 of work, :15 transition, alternating for 10 minutes: ME toes-to-bar ME ring dips Conditioning 4 rounds: 2 minutes to complete: 250m row ME thrusters, 125/85#
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For strength, do 2 squat cleans consecutively, then 2 push presses, then 1 jerk (push or split). Find the heaviest weight you can do for that complex. For “Diane,” choose a deadlift weight that you can string for at least 5-10 reps. HSPUs may be kipping or strict. Strength Take 20 Minutes to find a heavy complex of 2 Squat cleans + 2 push presses + jerk Conditioning “Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlifts, 225/155# HSPUs
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Sports have always been a huge part of Craig’s life. School papers primarily revolved around the Eagles or Phillies, draft day has been a holiday since age 7 & every Sunday Craig and his dad went to church…aka the VET / LINC. Athletically, Craig tried his hand at virtually every sport throughout his life; however, his 6’ 4” 140lb string bean physique wasn’t always conducive to on field domination. While the baseball diamond afforded Craig the most success, he always preferred playing the sport to the perceived boredom of the gym. The competitive team angle entertained and engaged Craig much more so than the solitary confinement of early morning barbell or track sessions. Fast forward to college where the allure of, well college, superceded any inclination to wake up for practices at 5 AM.  It was at this point that Craig started to notice the GAINs he’d always strived for...
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