
We’re starting the week off with some solid strength work in the back squat. Today, build up to a heavy set of 5. After that get ready to get under the bar on snatches and burn out the quads with some moderately long sets of wall balls. Strength Back Squat 5,5,5 Conditioning AMRAP in 10 minutes: 5 hang (squat) snatches, 115/75# 15 push-ups 15 wall balls, 20/14#
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Take 20 or so minutes and find a 1RM deadlift in a sumo stance. This is a wider stance with feet outside of your grip width. You’ll be in a more upright position compared with a conventional stance which puts less strain on the lower back. For the metcon, do a full Tabata (8 rounds of 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest) for each movement. Count total reps across all three movements for one final score. Strength 1RM Sumo deadlift Conditioning Tabata: box jumps, 24/20″ toes-to-bar double unders
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This workout is all about pacing. For most intermediate to high level athletes, there is no particular movement which will determine the outcome. Instead, the key is finding a challenging but sustainable pace and gritting it out. Controlling transitions and rest periods is crucial in this event. There are four transitions per round, so keeping them fast can be the difference between a mediocre effort and a top performance. – TZSTRENGTH Reebok CrossFit Games Open 16.1 16.1 AMRAP in 20 minutes: 25 ft. overhead walking lunge, 95/65# 8 burpees facing bar 25 ft. lunges 8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
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Strength Take 20 Minutes to establish a 5RM Bench Press Conditioning  3 Rounds with full recovery between each 500M Row 15 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)
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For strength, find the heaviest weight you can do for the complex. Focus on form and getting in the right positions before each movement. The jerk may be a push jerk or split jerk, your preference. The metcon is a straight-forward couplet of hang power cleans and handstand push-ups. HSPUs may be strict or kipping. Scale to pike box HSPUs or stink bugs if you need to. Strength Take 20 minutes to build up to a heavy complex of Hang power clean + power clean + jerk Conditioning 5 rounds for time: 8 hang power cleans, 135/95# 8 HSPUs
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