
Find a 2 rep max front squat – focus on keeping those elbows up and keeping them from dropping at the bottom of your squat. “Kalsu” is a named after Lt. Robert Kalsu – the only American professional football player killed in the Vietnam War. Normally the total number of thrusters is 100, but you’ll soon see why we are “only” doing half today. We are also capping this workout at 18 minutes. Strength 2RM Front squat Conditioning “Half Kalsu” For time: 50 thrusters, 135/95# EMOM 5 burpees time cap: 18 minutes
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Warm up your deadlift to the heaviest weight you’ll use in round 3. Then deload to a light weight for round 1. Space your increments out so the jump between round 1 and 2 is bigger than 2 and 3. For the pull-up portion, figure out 3 different ways to do muscle-ups/pull-ups and do them in decreasing order. For instance, if you don’t have muscle-ups, you might want to do ring pull-ups/chest-to-bar/pull-ups. Or you might do blue band/green band/ring row. Try not to do exactly the same thing for each round. Your score is total reps across all 3 rounds. AMRAP in 5 minutes: 15 deadlifts, 155/105# 5 muscle-ups rest 2 minutes AMRAP in 5 minutes: 10 deadlifts, 225/155# 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups rest 2 minutes AMRAP in 5 minutes: 5 deadlifts, 275/185# 15 pull-ups
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Prove to yourself that you have improved yourself. Sitting down to write this, I literally don’t know where to start.  Seriously, this is the fourth opening sentence I’ve tried, and this time I’m just going to leave it and speak from the heart.  I don’t care if it comes out sappy or not, I just need to explain why you simply HAVE to do the 2016 CrossFit Open.  But first here are some logistics for the newbs…skip to the sappy part if you know what the Open is. The CrossFit Games Season starts every year in February and runs through the summer culminating with the CrossFit Games in July where the “Fittest” Man, Woman and Teams are crowned.  There are three stages to the Games Season; The Open, Regionals and The CrossFit Games (or the finals).  The beauty of the Games season is that anyone in the world can participate...
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Congrats to our members of the month – Frank and Danielle!!!! “I still remember after meeting Vinny for the first time in April of 2013, Danielle walked out of Thermal said “No Way!”. So of course I immediately signed her up for a 3-month membership. There has been some blood, sweat and tears (yes, real tears) on our drive home from the gym but it’s completely worth it. My Dad, Big Frank, at the age of 63 still Crossfits and runs and is a huge inspiration to me. He will also tell anyone who will listen that his Son and Daughter-in-law Crossfit. As a true nerd family, all 3 of us received Metcon’s for Christmas. Thermal has helped us in so many ways, both physically and personally, we couldn’t thank the coaches and thermalites enough! #quidditchchamps” – Frank Frank grew up playing every sport imaginable but in high school turned...
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Let’s get our swole on and find a 1RM bench! Keep those shoulders retracted and press yourself into the bench. For the metcon, try to do a harder scale than usual for HSPUs – either get more vertical in your stink bugs or boxes, or use less ab mats on the wall. Challenge yourself! Front squats are from the ground and a squat clean to start will count (other option is a power clean and then front squats) Strength 1RM Bench Press Conditioning 3 rounds for time: 10 HSPUs 10 front squats, 135/95# 50 double unders
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