
For strength, find a heavy back squat – this can be a max if you’d like. The metcon is one minute of work, one minute of rest for 5 rounds. You’ll do 5 moderately heavy power cleans, then as many toes-to-bar as you can in the remaining time of that minute. In thinking about barbell weight, it should take you 10-30 seconds to allow for enough time for toes-to-bar. You may want to modify to sit-ups in order to get more reps in. Strength Back squat 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1 Conditioning 5 rounds for reps: 1 min. to do 5 power cleans, 155/105#, in remaining time ME toes-to-bar rest 1 minute
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In the first part of class, you will start with 2 power snatches (reset between reps if you need to) and then 5-10 pull-ups. Treat this as skill practice for whatever you need – if you need strength, then do strict/banded. If you need to work on kipping/butterfly/chest-to-bar, etc, then do so. The 5-10 reps is just a suggestion – tailor it to what you need. You may go up in weight for the snatches after each set.   Strength Alternating: A.) 5×2 Power snatch B.) 5×5-10 Pull-ups Conditioning For Time Row 1K 30-20-10 Wall Balls (20/14) Pull-ups
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Take the bar out of the rack and do 4 push presses and 1 jerk – this may be a power jerk or split jerk (your choice). Focus on staying upright and driving through the heels to generate power. The metcon is 3 rounds for time of deadlifts, clapping push-ups, and KB push presses.The deadlift weight should be about 60-70% of your 1RM. Clapping push-ups require that you leave the ground and touch your hands together – to scale this, try dynamic push-ups where you leave the ground just a bit. You can do this from the knees too. Finally, you will have one KB in one arm and move it from shoulder to overhead. You can either push press or jerk this. Do 10 on each arm for a total of 20 reps per round. Strength 4 push press + 1 jerk Conditioning 3 rounds for time: 10 deadlifts,...
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As a team of four, each of you will start at a different station. You’ll attempt as many reps or calories as you can at that station for 45 seconds, then take 15 seconds to transition to the next station. Continue in this fashion for 4 rounds, or 16 total stations. *Note: 1 rope climb = 5 “reps” but 3 rope pulls = 3 “reps” skill review: rope climbs In teams of 4, rotate :45 work, :15 transition for 4 rounds: ME row (calories) ME V-ups ME wall balls, 20/14# ME rope climbs*
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This workout has 3 couplets. You’ll start by doing 3 rounds of hang power snatches and pull-ups. Immediately after finishing those 3 rounds, you will roll into 3 rounds of OHSs and toes-to-bar. Immediately after that you will roll into 3 rounds of burpees over bar and HSPUs. Your score is total time for all components. For total time: 3 rounds of: 15 hang power snatches, 95/65# 15 pull-ups 3 rounds of: 12 overhead squats, 95/65# 12 toes-to-bar 3 rounds of: 9 burpees over bar 9 HSPUs
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1 185 186 187 188 189 246