
We’re working on power cleans today. While you’re warming up, focus on bringing the bar into the mid-thigh position and pop that hip open to get the bar up. Get a few doubles in, then find a 1RM. Fight the tendancy to jump your feet out really wide – ideally they should move out to a squatting position (you can test this in warm-up by doing a power clean and then seeing if you can front squat) The AMRAP will have relatively lighter power cleans, double unders (scale to a reasonable number or 3x single unders), and air squats. Strength Power clean 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes: 5 power cleans, 75% of 1RM 25 double unders 45 air squats
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For today’s workout, partners must be together for each run (you may not run ahead to start the work of the next station) For the pull-ups, wall-balls, and burpees, you may partition those any way you see fit. In teams of 2, for time: 400m run 100 pull-ups 800m run 100 wall balls, 20/14# 400m run 100 burpees
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Strength is a snatch complex – a high pull (keep the arms loose and straight, shrug up) and a full snatch (squat). After that, we have a 16 minute metcon: start with a 100m row and move to box jump overs (no need for full hip extension; you may also jump over the box or on top, then over). After that you have kettlebell swings and a rope climb. Scale rope climbs to two half rope climbs if height is an issue, or 3 rope pulls. Strength EMOM for 8 minutes: Snatch pull + snatch Conditioning AMRAP in 16 minutes: 100m row 10 box jump overs, 24/20″ 15 KB swings, 53/35# 1 rope climb
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For strength, work up to a heavy 3 rep back squat. Then, load the bar with a moderate thruster weight – it shouldn’t be so heavy that you can only do 2 or 3 thrusters at a time, but you aren’t expected to do all 10 unbroken either. It should be heavier than a “Fran” weight that you would use. Scale pull-ups to ring rows, jumping pull-ups, or banded pull-ups. Strength Back squat 3, 3, 3 Conditioning 3 rounds for time: 10 thrusters, 115/75# 20 pull-ups
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For skill, work up to the highest weight you can do a turkish get up (find weights for each arm) For the metcon, you have 3 minutes to complete 8-5-2 of deadlifts, burpees over bar, and knees-to-elbows. This means you’ll do 8 deadlifts, 8 burpees, 8 KTE, then 5 deadlifts, 5 burpees, etc. If you complete the work under 3 minutes, you may rest the remaining time. At 3:00, start a new round of 8-5-2. Continue in this fashion until you cannot complete the work in the 3 minute interval. No matter what, you must complete 3 rounds, even if you do not make the interval time cap. Simply continue as fast as you can right into the next round until you complete 3 rounds. Your score is total reps. If you need to resort to completing 3 rounds for time, your score is 135 (total reps for 3 rounds...
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