
For our newbies out there, the CrossFit Open consists of 5 workouts spread across 5 weeks with the aim to find the fittest people in the world. This season, its a bit different with only 3 weeks open to the entire world, and additional workouts later for those that qualify. Last year over 230,000 people participated in the Open. This is a big deal in the CrossFit world, and for anyone who does CrossFit, it kind of comes with the territory. For the official and more detailed description of what the “Open” is, check out this article from the CrossFit Games site: I know many of you will ask yourself, “Why should I do the Open? There’s no way I’m the fittest in the world.” For 99.99% of us, that is true and finding the fittest is only a small part of what its really about. For us, its...
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Winter 2021 CrossFit Conshohocken Nutrition Challenge This seasons nutrition challenge is set to kickoff, and we are excited to get you involved!  Using a completely different approach than in previous years, we aim to deliver results and create sustainable habits for you over the next 30 days.  As a thank you for staying with us throughout the restrictions and uncertain times that we faced in 2020, this challenge is offered to you, FREE of charge.  Participation: This is a limited participation challenge and open to just 40 members.  The reason for this is that we want to over deliver on one on one touch points and really help folks that WANT our help.  While this is a FREE challenge, it does require you to buy in to participate.  All participants must complete the CFC Winter Nutrition Challenge Intake Form.  In addition, you must schedule and complete an Inbody Scan at...
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by Steve Maze, DPT Throughout the course of your training, your shoulders are going to take quite a beating. I mean when you think about it, nearly every movement and exercise involve your shoulders in some capacity. Snatches, cleans, jerks, push-press, thrusters, overhead squats, front squats, and even deadlifts. Then there is all of the push-ups, pull-ups, muscle-ups, dips, rope climbs, inverted rows, handstand push-ups, and kettlebell swings. Even the friggin’ Erg and Bike require your arms. Therefore, I think we can agree that it is important that you take decent care of your shoulders if you want to continue training over the long term.  However, to do so doesn’t require some elaborate-complex-90-minute-mobility-workout regimen. All you need is an easy, simple, AND consistent routine.  I recommend using the following three-prong approach. 1.       Soft Tissue Work 2.       Stretching 3.       Prehab Strengthening Start with #1, Soft Tissue Mobilization (STM) Work. I’m not going to get into the boring physiology and exercise science behind what Soft Tissue Mobilization is,...
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By Steve Maze, DPT Often when we hear “Physical Therapy” our thought is “what you do aftersurgery” or where you go after a major injury like a broken arm or tornligament. At least that’s what I used to think… And not too long ago, that pretty much was what it was. However, over the past decade or, Physical Therapy has branched out of theclinic and immersed itself into the world of health, fitness, andperformance. In doing so, it has played a major role in the approach ofoptimizing human movement. As fitness athleticism has grown, one major hurdle in achieving maximumperformance is the ability to perform various movement patterns such asthe overhead squat, deadlifts, pull-ups, and more. For many, these can bevery difficult not just to perform, but to actually get into the properposition and execute the movement with optimal technique. So, how does “PT” fit into this? First, it can...
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Dedicated to 1stLt Travis Manion, USMC, the Travis Manion WOD (Workout Of the Day) is designed to bring veterans, families of the fallen and the TMF community together to honor our fallen heroes. CrossFit boxes, GORUCK clubs, and gyms throughout the country host the WOD and individuals participate virtually from their garages and front lawns. This strenuous workout is a yearly reminder that we can push harder, go further, and be stronger to honor the heroes who have gone before us. Get involved and participate with us at CFC…! Here’s what you can do. Show up and participate in the WOD on Saturday 11/21 at all class times. Register and participate officially for a $29 donation – Details below, TMF is updating our name to CFC, but if you search for us today, we are still on their site as CrossFit Thermal (old school baby!) Registration Deadlines: Deadline for participants to...
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