
The deadlift can leave you sore for a few days without a proper warm up, so make sure your body is warm and trunk is primed to move weight. We’re looking for a heavy 5 rep or go for a max if you’re feeling it. Take your time between reps – you should want to rest a good 5 minutes once you get into your heavy sets. As an accessory piece, do 3 untimed sets of V-ups where you’re struggling to complete the last few reps of each set. Strength Deadlift 5, 5, 5 Accessory 3 x 10-15 V-ups Conditioning 1K Row at Max Effort
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Most of you guys know Maggie, she is a new member and intern at CrossFit Thermal.  Maggie is a weightlifter, a CrossFitter, and also played softball throughout college.  She currently is a speed and agility coach and is starting to bring her talent to CrossFit Thermal.  One of the things we’ve been striving for at Thermal has been a bigger focus on movement and mobility, this Saturday Maggie will be hosting a free mobility session as part of the 9am class!  Just like every Saturday, we’ll run a team style workout, but we’ll finish up with about 15-20 minutes of dedicated mobility time.  So if you plan to come to the 9am session, you’ll also get a nice bonus mobility session.  See you there!
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Last week we hammered the lower body, so today we’re going to balance that out for the upper body beasts of the box. “Lynne” is a benchmark workout where you will try to get as many bodyweight bench presses (scale weight accordingly) as possible, then immediately get on a pull-up bar and do as many pull-ups as you can. You should treat each as a true max effort – no gaming the system! If you need to scale, do so in order to get about 10-15+ of each movement in the first round. An exception to this is if you want to Rx this and simply see what you’re capable of. “Lynne” 5 rounds not for time: ME bench press, bodyweight ME pull-ups
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There will be tons of resources available to you during this season’s Nutrition Challenge; here is the first one!  Thanks Coach Kate… Not sure what to eat during the nutrition challenge?  Want to try something new but unsure if you will like it?  Here is your chance to experiment and share your favorite meals!  Kate is hosting a potluck style party on Sunday, October 11th at 12:00.  The Eagles game will be on and significant others/children are welcome.  Bring a dish you have been enjoying during the challenge along with a copy of the recipe.  Kate lives only 3.5 miles from Thermal in Plymouth Meeting – it is close enough to walk! 😛  Her address will be posted at the gym.  Please RSVP on FB or on the sign in the gym to receive the address.  Hope to see you there!
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To find your 1RM jerk, focus on staying upright in the dip and using your legs to drive the bar off your shoulders. Once the bar gets to your forehead, punch under it and lock those arms out. Power jerks or split jerks are options for today. The metcon is short and sweet but you’ve got to do it twice!! – You’ll be going against a 7 minute clock each time and you’ll need to hit a 400m sprint and 30 burpees. Who can finish under 5 minutes? Under 3??  You have the full 7 minutes each time to complete the prescribed work, if you finish ahead of the clock, then you earn rest.  If not, you’ll have to start the second round immediately at the 7 minute mark.  Good luck. Strength Take 20 minutes to finds a 1 RM Jerk for the day Conditioning 2 rounds, each against a...
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