
Today you will do the metcon FIRST, then the strength portion SECOND. We are going to spend 8 minutes doing the AMRAP, then immediately pair/triple up and take 15 minutes to find a 1RM front squat. If there are large classes, coaches may run slightly over that time at their discretion. For the metcon, do full cleans. Conditioning AMRAP in 8 minutes: 5 cleans, 155/105# 10 toes to bar 15 wall balls, 20/14# Strength Take 15 minutes to find a 1RM Front Squat for the dayy
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For this team workout, you’ll do the runs together, but you will split up the work anyhow with one person working at a time. The work does not have to be equal; play to each other’s strengths. For burpees over bar to count, both feet must leave at the same time and land at the same time (no skipping over). You do not need to clap while going over, nor do you need to open your hips completely. In teams of 2 for time: Run 400m (together) 40 deadlifts, 225/155# Run 400m (together) 80 burpees over bar Run 400m (together) 40 deadlifts, 225/155# Run 400m (together)
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Two years ago, on October 19, 2013 Josh Everett, TrainHeroic, and the more than 350 boxes in the CrossFit community rallied together in spectacular fashion to support the Autism community in a worldwide workout event called Lift Up Luke. This “competition for a cause” specifically sought to support early diagnosis and treatment of Autism, raise funds for the Autism Tree Project Foundation in San Diego, and most importantly, turn a global spotlight on the measured and severe impact of Autism on families and individuals around the world. This year, we’re upping the ante and doubling down our efforts to take the impact of the event to another level. Join us at the 9 & 10am classes as we perform a special WOD, “Luke” 5 MIN AMRAP 4 Power Cleans: 155 /105 24 Double Unders 10 Pull-Ups
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I remember when I first met Frank and Danielle, it was April of 2014 I think, and I had been emailing back and forth with Frank for a bit.  The two of them came in on a Saturday for an intro session, and it was just the 3 of us in the gym that morning.  I knew that Frank had dabbled in CF once before, so I knew I’d have to be on my game to “sell” the gym to the two of them.  When Danielle came in dressed head to toe in half marathon garb, I quickly realized I was up against a real challenge.  We did the intro session and I put on my best “running is cool too, I suppose, but you should really join CrossFit” face, and went at them with everything I had.  I couldn’t get a read on Frank, but I knew with 100%...
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Take 20 minutes to find a new 1RM snatch. This may be a power or a full snatch, but it must be in one continuous motion from the ground. (Coach’s discretion when it comes to pressing out or riding down) For the conditioning segment, deload the bar to 70% of your new 1RM. You’ll have 45 seconds to get as many power snatches as possible, then rest for 15 seconds. Then you’ll have 45 seconds to get as many push presses as possible and rest 15 seconds. Finally you’ll have 45 seconds to get as many front squats as possible and rest 15 seconds. Repeat another 2 rounds. Strength Take 20-25 minutes to find a 1RM Snatch for the day Conditioning 9 minutes, :45 work, :15 rest rotating through: Power snatches, 70% of 1RM Shoulder to Overhead, same weight Front Squat, same weight”
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