
Hey guys, this coming Monday, Labor Day, we’ll have a 10am class, then a special event starting immediately after.  See below for details.
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For bench press today, work in pairs or triplets and use the same weight across all 3 sets. Make sure grip is such that at the bottom of the lift, your forearms are perpendicular to the ground. For the metcon, scale HSPUs to wall walks (half reps) or use a box to support your feet and do L-HSPUs. Scale double unders to an appropriate number (e.g. half reps) Strength Bench Press 3×5 Conditioning 10 HSPUs 50 double unders 8 HSPUs 40 double unders 6 HSPUs 30 double unders 4 HSPUs 20 double unders 2 HSPUs 10 double unders
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Cindy was never into sports growing up,she always had her nose stuck in a book plus the 1970s did not provide a lot of options for girls. Tennis, softball, track and soccer were all the sports available to girls at the time and none of them really appealed, although she did try a couple. None stuck though as she quickly found out that they all involved running in one form or another (not her favorite thing in the world to do!). So it wasn’t until she got well into middle age that she discovered something that piqued her interest. She and her husband joined Fairmont Athletic Club in 2008 and one of the classes was this crazy workout called CrossFit. They tried it and were soon hooked. It really grabbed Cindy because it was one of the few times she could quiet her mind. (All you can focus on in...
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Once in a while we really have to push the limits of our skills. Today is a good day for that. Don’t be intimated, just look at one movement at a time and work with the coach to figure out the best way to scale for your ability. Wall walks and hand stand push-ups are great scales for handstand walks. Clean and jerks can be scaled by weight and if you can’t climb a rope without your legs, then use your legs!! Alternating EMOM for 12 Minutes a) 10M Handstand Walk b) 1 Legless rope climb c) 5 x Bar Muscle Ups Conditioning In Teams of 2: Alternating Rounds for 10 minutes Row 250M or 200M Run 10 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
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Hannah is ROGUE!!!!! For the complex today, some of you will work from the rack while some will work from the ground. Work with a coach to determine what is best for you. During warm-up, build up to the appropriate weight for you and keep the weight the same across all sets. Conditioning is a 2 part AMRAP with built in rest between the segments. The movements are designed to be simple so that you can execute this as a sprint workout.   EMOM for 10 minutes Overhead Complex 1 Push Press +1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk Conditioning AMRAP in 5 minutes 12 Box Jumps 9 Front Squats (95/65) 6 Burpees over bar rest 3 minutes AMRAP in 3 Minutes 9 Front Squats (45/33) 6 Burpees
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