
For strength, build up to about 70-80% of your power clean, and use that weight across all sets.  Every minute  for 12 minutes complete the complex for one set.  For conditioning lighten the bar to what you might use for a “Fran’ style WOD and try to go unbroken on the thrusters. Strength EMOM for 12 minutes 1 Power Clean + 1 Push Press Conditioning For time 3 Rounds of 20 Thrusters (95/65) 400M Run
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Come out and support Team Thermal Saturday morning at 9:00am (we’ll be there earlier) and running all day at CrossFit Generation.   Look for our tent and a bunch of people having too much fun in their thirties!!! Location – 417 Caredean Drive Horsham, PA 19044 Use the first 15 minutes of class today to work on pull-up progressions. If you are proficient with pull-ups, you can always get better. Try using a weight vest or working on C2B. For conditioning we have a triplet of deadlifts, KB swings and Wall Balls. Keep the dead lift weight light enough to rep, but not necessarily go unbroken. Strength Pull-up progressions / skill work Conditioning 21-15-9 Deadlifts (185/125) KB Swings (55/35) Wall Balls (20/14)
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For Strength today, take about 20 minutes and build up to a heavy 5 rep push press. Make sure to press through the bar and don’t rebend the knees. For conditioning, keep moving quickly and try to rest only when transitioning. Strength Push Press 5,5,5,5 Conditioning 4 Rounds For Time 9 Box Jumps (24/20) 9 Toes to Bar 7 Burpees 7 Sit-ups 5 Push-ups 5 Shoot Throughs
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Nice Grip….now pull!!!!!! Today we’re working strength endurance during our initial training phase.  You’ll do front squats alternating with 100M runs on the minute.  Advanced athletes should take the bar from the ground.  This will test your ability to shed lactic acid build up, and move weight while out of breath.  Scaling will be key, consider scaling to 50M runs if needed, and obviously most athletes shouldn’t be doing body weight on the squats, that is just something to shoot for.  Conditioning is a couplet of super light overhead squats and muscle ups.  Keep your core tight and go unbroken on the squats if you can, and scale MU as needed with strict pull-ups / dips and or jumping muscle-ups. Strength Alternating EMOM for 16 minutes  5 Front Squats @ BW / 100M Run Conditioning AMRAP in 8 minutes of 20 Overhead Squats (45/33) 3 Muscle Ups
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I still haven’t seen the results from last weekends competition. I said to Sarah, “I missed that snatch, I don’t even wanna see the results”. I was pretty mad at myself for that, for letting my teammates down. It might not have mattered in the end, but I hated that I missed it. My goal for the competition was to hit the 2 rep hang snatch at 205, a weight that I hadn’t hit before, even in training. But knowing that the environment was going to be that of a competition, I figured I could add 7 measly pounds to my previous best of 198. I couldn’t. And hitting it for 3 single reps on 3 different attempts garnered my and Grant exactly zero points, it was useless. So where are the results? I don’t know, maybe they are out there somewhere on KOP’s site or on some app, that...
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