
For Strength, take 20 Minutes to find a 3RM push jek for the day. These should be heavy enough that you can not cycle them for all sets. Conditioning starts and ends with 100 double unders. Scale as needed, 50 or 25 doubles for those still working on DU. Push Press weight should be light and fast. Strength Take 20 Minutes to find a 3RM push jek for the day Conditioning 100 DU 21-15-9 Box Jump Overs Push Press 100 DU
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For this workout, partners will alternate clean and jerks (ideally with same weight).  Each time the team completes 10 reps, they must complete 2 rounds of “Cindy”.  Once partners are done the 2 rounds of Cindy, they may return to the bar and begin alternating CJ reps again.  The workout is done when the team completes  40 reps of clean and jerk, and finishes their last 2 “Cindy” rounds. Each partner will complete 20 CJ and 8 rounds of “Cindy” in total. In Teams of 2 / splitting work 40 Clean and Jerks (165/115) 16 Rounds of Cindy “Cindy” 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 squats
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For strength today, build up to a heavy but not maximal 5 rep dead lift. You should spend at least 2 sets with moderate weight warming up. Strength Dead lift 5,5,5 Conditioning 3 Rounds For Time 10 Burpee Pull-ups 20 Wall Balls 30 Walking Lunge Steps  
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The Turkish Get-Up (TGU) is a great movement for shoulder stability and strength. Although we traditionally use KB’s for this, you may also use dumbbells or barbells. The metcon should be fairly fast, but it’s not expected that you string all 21 to start. We will work plenty of mobility prior to the workout so your form is solid. Strength 1RM Turkish Get-Up (L/R) Conditioning For time, 21-14-7: Overhead squats, 95/65# Box jumps, 24/20″
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For today’s workout you’ll team up in 3’s. Partner A will start with a 1500m row. While they’re rowing, Partner B will do Couplet 1 and Partner C will do Couplet 2. While the rowing goes on, Partners B and C may switch off as they choose (or not), but both Couplets must be done. Once Partner A finishes the row, they start on a couplet as Partner B starts a 1500m row. Continue in this fashion until Partner C rows 1500m. Your score is the total amount of rounds from the couplets. In teams of 3 for total rounds: Row 1500m Couplet 1: 30 double unders 15 burpees Couplet 2: 10 Sit-ups 10 medball cleans
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