
Power clean weight should be moderately heavy, around 65% of your 1RM. You don’t have to string all of them, but you shouldn’t need extreme effort for them either. Singles are fine as long as there is little rest between reps. Scale the toes to bar to knee raises if you have active lats, otherwise scale to V-ups. 5 rounds for time: 400m run 10 power cleans, 155/105# 10 toes to bar
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For strength, find two heavy sets of five push presses, then two heavy sets of three reps. Record your three rep weight (it may be a max or just go for a heavy three). The AMRAP is an escalating ladder for thrusters, but the muscle-ups remain constant. Scale muscle-ups to 4 pull-ups and 4 dips (pull-ups may be done on rings or bar and dips may be done on rings, boxes, or parallettes). Strength Push Press 5, 5, 3, 3 Conditioning AMRAP in 9 minutes: 1 thruster, 95/65# 2 muscle-ups 2 thrusters 2 muscle-ups 3 thrusters 2 muscle-ups 4, 2…5, 2…6,2….etc.
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Take your time warming up, mobilizing, and working your way up to a new 1RM snatch. If you typically power snatch more than you snatch (full), find your 1RM for both and make a note in Wodify. For new athletes, you may want to start with a hang power snatch and work your way through to a hang power snatch + OHS, then to a hang snatch, etc. Take the entire class time to find your: 1 RM Snatch
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Congrats to Matt C – the July Member of the Month!!! Over the past five years, I’ve been digging myself out of a hole I got myself into from poor diet and exercise back in my college and early working years (I used to be 50 pounds heavier back in the day, yikes). Before I joined CF Thermal last winter, I was constantly searching for an exercise routine that would keep my interest and motivation up. Running and working out in my house or an LA Fitness would only go so far and I would have to drag myself to exercise daily. Doing these things would only allow me to “check off the box” and convince myself that I worked out without really reaping any significant benefits. Since joining Thermal last winter, I’ve met so many great people and no longer look at exercising after work as a chore, but...
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On Thursday night at 7:30 2 teams will meet head to head in an epic Throwdown at CrossFit Thermal.  Here is their challenge: For Time “TEAM DT” 10 rounds of: 12 deadlifts (115/75) 9 hang power cleans 6 push jerks (we will allow shoulder to overhead) Teams will work in pairs consisting of two guys and two girls. Each pair must complete a total of 10 rounds (5 rounds each). Partners must switch after 1 round (1 round = 12, 9 and 6 reps). Teams will get 2 barbells and 2 judges. Men and women will work at the same time, completing 1 round of DT before switching with their partner. 12 minute time cap. Score is time completed (time for the men + time for the women). Any remaining reps will add 1 second per rep. After Team DT – times will be converted to seconds and teams will...
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