“Breaking Up Big Movements” Breaking up the snatch into components is a good way to practice. Today we are doing this by first power snatching from the ground, then doing overhead squats. If you have trouble with getting the bar into a good second pull, pause at the hang position (mid-thigh). During the metcon, you’ll develop a stronger relationship with the kettlebell (not necessarily a loving one). Workout of the Day: Strength Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes: Snatch + 3 OHS (increase weight each rep) Conditioning For time: 40 goblet squats, (55/35) 30 KB swings, (55/35) 20 toes to bar 10 KB snatches (10L/10R) 20 toes to bar 30 KB swings, (55/35) 40 goblet squats, (55/35)
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