
Lets get back to work!  Start out the day with some Front squat work in an EMOM format.  Using about 70% of your 1 RM you’ll complete 3 reps on the minute for 6 minutes.  Work with someone who uses the same weight if possible so you can share racks as needed.  For conditioning today, fly through this 5 round couplet.  Move fast but stay true to form on jerks and pull-ups. Strength EMOM x 6 Front Squat x 3 @ 70% Conditioning 5 Rounds for Time 12 Push Jerks (115/75) 15 Pull-ups
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Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas,” complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1; 2-1; 3-2-1; 4-3-2-1; etc – for a total of 364 reps. 1 Bar mu 2 Burpees over the bar 3 Box jumps (24/20) 4 Dumbbell snatches (50/35) 5 Pullups 6 Thrusters (115/75) 7 Kettlebell swings (70/55) 8 Back Squats (115/75) 9 Toes to bar 10 Pushups 11 Hang clean and jerks (115/75) 12 Handstand Push-ups  
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As many of you know, Coach John will be moving in January and his time at Thermal will be coming to a close.  John received a well deserved and impressive promotion at his company and as a result he’ll be landing in Richmond Virginia.  While part of our staff John had a huge impact on our community, and on me as a manager.  “Johnny Rogue”, “John John”, or “Mobility John” – whatever you called him, was always on point when he was in front of a class, full of energy and setting people to task.  John’s classes were fun and engaging and he always knew how to inspire people to get the most from them.  Personally , I probably gave John more crap than any of our other coaches for various reasons.  What I love about John was that he would always challenge me, and he wasn’t a follower, he...
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AMRAP in 15 Minutes 15 Dead lifts (155/105) 40 Double Unders 15 Wall Ball Shots (20/14) 15 Push-ups Cash Out 4 x 1:00 Weighted Planks
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After warming up lets spend some time working on the power snatch. Each minute you’ll complete 1 Power snatch and one hang power snatch. Add weight as form allows building to a heavy complex. Power Snatch Complex EMOM EMOM x 8 Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch 1+1 4 intervals each for time 15/12 Calorie Assault Bike 12 Overhead Squats (45/33) KB Farmers Carry x 4 (53/35 x 2) record your slowest
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