
For strength today work against a hard 8 minute clock and establish a heavy complex as listed. At the 12 minute mark, start this relay style sprint interval WOD. Athlete 1 runs the entire round-  Cal/Wall Balls and Pull-ups. Aim to complete each set unbroken for as long as possible. Since this is a alternating sprint the sets shouldn’t be broken up much, better to scale and hit the stimulus. From 0-8:00 Find a 3 Rep Shoulder to Overhead from the Ground * working individually or in pairs Conditioning 12:00 – 30:00 “You Go I Go Format” AMRAP in 18 Row 10/8 Calories 12 Wall Ball Shots (20/14) 10 Pull-ups *in teams of 2  
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AMRAP in 20 minutes 8 Hang Clean and Jerks (115/75) 8 Burpee Pull-ups 30 Double Unders 8 Toes to Bar 8 Dead lifts (115/75)
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Skipping Titan work today due to our reduced schedule and Thanksgiving eve party antics. Let’s get in here for a fun burner the day before we eat #someofthefood For 5 Rounds On The 4 Minute Bike 12/8 Cal 10 Handstand Push-ups 10 Hang Squat Cleans (115/75) 6 Burpees over the bar
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Let’s start the day with some strict pulling work and also get our engines revved up for the work ahead. This met-con will test your skill in climbing the rope since your pulling strength will be greatly reduced. EMOM x 8 A. Strict Pull-up work 6-10 reps 1-5 reps Negatives Ring Rows B. Row 150M Conditioning 3 Rounds for Time 20 Dead lifts (135/95) 6 Muscle ups 20 Box Jumps (24/20) 4 Rope Climbs
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A flash back to week one when we first hit the 3 position clean. Now that we’re a few weeks in, we’ll be looking to go a few pounds heavier than week one and also have more proficiency from each position. Titan Phase 3 Day 11 Clean Work (20 minutes) 3 Position Clean for 5 sets Above the knee + below knee + Floor 65% 70% 75% Athlete Choice* for 2 sets *increase weight as desired if the 75% set is perfect Conditioning AMRAP in 12 Minutes 5 Power Cleans (135/95) 10 Toes To Bar 25 Double Unders
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