
Clean work today guys, lets get started by hitting a heavy double. Using that number hit two triples from the hang without dropping the bar. This is a good opportunity for those of you who have felt that your percentage work has been too light. Go heavy on the double and have a solid number to work with. Beat your 11/6 performance by 5 lbs if you can. “Titan Phase 3 Day 13 Clean Work (22 minutes) 14 minutes to build to a heavy double Squat Clean 2,2,2,2 (compare to 11/6) 8 minutes for 2 x 3 Hang Squat Cleans using 80% of today’s double “ Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes 15 Dead lifts (135/95) 30 Air Squats 8 Handstand Push-ups
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The best way to spread holiday cheer? Come to Crossfit Thermal’s Holiday Party! First, well make snow angels for two hours, then we’ll go ice skating, then well eat a whole roll of Tollhouse Cookiedough as fast as we can, and then we’ll snuggle. Alright so maybe we won’t replicate Buddy the Elf, but we can certainly show up to Southern Cross Kitchen at 8pm and throw a few back with some great people! The party will be taking place at the bar located upstairs. Southern Cross has offered us an open bar option from 8pm to 11pm which includes beer and wine for $25pp. You can pay for this upon arrival as pre-payment is not required. A full service bar and food will also be available, So don’y worry Paul, you can certainly still order those fireball shots. Just a reminder, attending this party will get you one step...
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Warm-up then start on the lighter end with 3 reps at 65%. Move on to moderate weight for doubles in the middle rounds. Finish up with singles at a weight of your choice. Keep climbing if you’re looking good. The Metcon is for total time – change weights if needed between components. Time includes rest. Strength EMOM x 7 Power Snatch Ladder 0,1 – 3 reps at 65% 2,3 – 2 reps at 75% 4,5,6 – 1 rep at athlete choice Conditioning For Total Time 5 rounds of 5 Front Squats (165/115) 10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) rest 4 minutes 4 Rounds of 2 Thrusters (165/115) 10 Push-ups  
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For strength today work against a hard 8 minute clock and establish a heavy complex as listed. At the 12 minute mark, start this relay style sprint interval WOD. Athlete 1 runs the entire round-  Cal/Wall Balls and Pull-ups. Aim to complete each set unbroken for as long as possible. Since this is a alternating sprint the sets shouldn’t be broken up much, better to scale and hit the stimulus. From 0-8:00 Find a 3 Rep Shoulder to Overhead from the Ground * working individually or in pairs Conditioning 12:00 – 30:00 “You Go I Go Format” AMRAP in 18 Row 10/8 Calories 12 Wall Ball Shots (20/14) 10 Pull-ups *in teams of 2  
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AMRAP in 20 minutes 8 Hang Clean and Jerks (115/75) 8 Burpee Pull-ups 30 Double Unders 8 Toes to Bar 8 Dead lifts (115/75)
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