
After you come in from the 400M Run you will need to hit 5 reps of the “Bear Complex”. Complete all 5 movements for 1 repetition of the complex. During the complex you may not drop the bar or rest it on the floor. “Running Bear” 5 Rounds for Time Cap 30 minutes Run 400M Complete 5 Unbroken Sets of this Complex: (95/65) 1 Power Clean 1 Front Squat 1 Push Press 1 Back Squat 1 Push Press
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For strength today we’ll be working on some volume front squats. Use 60-65% and hit 6 reps on the minute. If you want an added challenge , go from the ground. You’ll have to hustle to get this one done under the cap! Strength Front Squat EMOM x 6 6 x 6 @ 60-65% 1RM 4 Rounds for Time 8 clean and jerks (135/95) 50 Double Unders 6 Muscle Ups time cap 20 minutes
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Working on interval sprints today guys, lets choose a weight that allows and unbroken set on the dead lifts. Sprint through the 200M Row and get immediately to the rope. Scale 3 rope pulls for each rope climb. Interval Sprints 5 Rounds of 8 Dead lifts (225/155) 200M Row 1 Rope Climb rest as needed between sets * record your slowest time Cash Out Tabata Sit-ups
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Start off with a primer designed to get you ready to land in the bottom of the snatch. 3 sets of this should be about 5-6 minutes and will be un-scored. The meat of our snatch work today will be working triples of the hang snatch. Using 65% 1 RM hit 3 reps each set from the hang without putting the bar down and landing in the bottom position each time. Titan Phase 3 Day 6 Snatch Work (22 minutes) Warm-up (do not record) BTN Push Press + Pause Overhead Squat 2 + 2 x 3 Hang Squat Snatch Triples 4×3 using 65% 1RM AMRAP in 12 minutes 12 Thrustes (95/65) 9 burpees over the bar 12 Toes to Bar
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Today we’ve got high volume gymnastics blended into an engine workout. Let’s battle through these 2 couplets and then see what happens to our ability to do a higher level skill move in a state of fatigue. 4 Rounds for Time 15 Pull-ups 15 Box Jump overs (24/20) immediately into 4 Rounds for Time 200M Run 15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) immediatley into 30 Handstand Push-ups
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