
  For strength today we’e going to work on some relatively heavy barbell cycling. Complete exactly 4 working sets of 5 hang power cleans recording the heaviest set. Focus on pulling under the bar and driving lower with each set. Hook grip is an absolute must today. For conditioning, you’ll be working against a 3 minute clock. Sprint 200 meters, come in and hit 10 pull-ups. Once the pull-ups are done, go immediately to wall balls and accumulate as many as possible in the remaining time. Rest two minutes each cycle and complete a total of 4 rounds. Strength Hang Power Clean 5,5,5,5 Conditioning Against a 3 minute clock Run 200 M 10 Pull-ups ME Wall Ball Shots (20/14) in remaining time rest 2 minutes and repeat total of 4 rounds
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Lets start with some basic, but super important strength today. Using an alternating EMOM format for 10 minutes, go back and forth between back squats and push-ups. The back squats should be about 50%-60% 1RM assuming you have a true 1RM. Work for :40 on strict push-ups, be true to form, and aim to get better today. Strength EMOM x 10 A. 5 Back Squats B. :40 Push-ups Conditioning AMRAP in 13 minutes 15 Box Jumps (24/20) 12 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 30 Air Squats 24 Sit-ups
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Lets have some fun with this “sandwich” style chipper today. A couple of rules to pay by today guys, take a look. *Athletes must rotate every 10/8 calories on the rower. ** For Burpees over the bar, athletes must trade off reps 1:1. Aka, switch for each rep, you do one I do one. Dead lifts, CJ and double unders may be broken up anyway you like, so long as only one athlete works at a time. Partner Chipper For Time 25 Clean and Jerks (135/95) Row 40/32 Cal* 50 Dead lifts (185/125) Row 40/32 Cal* 200 Double Unders Row 40/32 Cal* 50 Burpees over Bar** Row 40/32 Cal* 25 Clean and Jerks (135/95)  
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For strength we’ll be working on some power snatches today. Take about 15 minutes and build up to a heavy double for the day. Our Met-con is an intense battle of 6 straight forward rounds of assault bike calories and barbell work.   Use total reps over the 5 rounds for your score. Strength Take 15 minutes to build up to a heavy Power Snatch double Conditioning 5 intervals 1 minute each 10/8 Assault Bike Calories AMRAP in remaining time 6 Front Squats (95/65) 6 Power Snatches (95/65) rest as needed between
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After Diane, lets bring it back today with some volume! Take the lunges from the ground and try to keep that back foot in place every rep. For pull-ups today work for about :40 seconds then give yourself time to transition back to the lunges. No need to record numbers for these elements. For conditioning today, we have alternating barbell work, and cardio. Weights are light so lets go for big sets and lots of rounds. Strength Alternating EMOM x 10 Front Rack Lunge x 10 (135/95) Strict Pull-ups :40 Conditioning AMRAP in 10 minutes 20 Hang Power Cleans (95/65) 100M Run 20 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65) 10 Burpees
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