
For strength today, hit some heavy weight in the push press. This should serve as a strength element, but also turn on our shoulders for some volume handstand push-ups. Strength Push Press Heavy single (15 minutes) Conditioning AMRAP in 15 minutes 8 Handstand Push-ups 8 Dead lifts (135/95) 30 Double Unders
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CrossFit Thermal is happy to announce the 2017 Fall Nutrition Challenge.  This challenge will be our biggest and best challenge yet.  Again this season we’ll be utilizing a structured system of accountability to ensure the success of all participants.  Additionally this challenge will be a lot of fun!  We’ll be doing weekly prizes and check ins to keep everyone engaged and attentive to their goals and the to challenge in general. Everyone knows that we come in to gym every day to look good and feel good, but until you really dial in your nutrition you may only be scratching the surface.  Here at Thermal we are lucky to have an expert Nutritionist on hand as well as a group of dedicated coaches to guide you along the way.   We’re looking for people who want to learn and understand nutrition and experience firsthand what you’re capable of when you’ve got...
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Once a year we come together as a community to raise money and awareness for Breast Cancer.  This event is carried out in different ways in CrossFit communities all over the world.  Each year Thermal has been a part of this event and raised thousands of dollars for this great cause.  We’re gearing up this year for our biggest event ever and we’d love for you to be a part of it.  I set Thermal’s goal at a meek $500, but I know we’ll crush that.  If you’re able, please get involved and join us for an amazing workout and event. Please clear your calendar for 10/28 at 9:00am and come to the gym for the infamous “Helen Meets Grace” WOD. Help us reach our goal by making a donation to our team! We’re raising funds so that Barbells for Boobs can give people the Right to Know if they’re...
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  For strength today we’e going to work on some relatively heavy barbell cycling. Complete exactly 4 working sets of 5 hang power cleans recording the heaviest set. Focus on pulling under the bar and driving lower with each set. Hook grip is an absolute must today. For conditioning, you’ll be working against a 3 minute clock. Sprint 200 meters, come in and hit 10 pull-ups. Once the pull-ups are done, go immediately to wall balls and accumulate as many as possible in the remaining time. Rest two minutes each cycle and complete a total of 4 rounds. Strength Hang Power Clean 5,5,5,5 Conditioning Against a 3 minute clock Run 200 M 10 Pull-ups ME Wall Ball Shots (20/14) in remaining time rest 2 minutes and repeat total of 4 rounds
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Lets start with some basic, but super important strength today. Using an alternating EMOM format for 10 minutes, go back and forth between back squats and push-ups. The back squats should be about 50%-60% 1RM assuming you have a true 1RM. Work for :40 on strict push-ups, be true to form, and aim to get better today. Strength EMOM x 10 A. 5 Back Squats B. :40 Push-ups Conditioning AMRAP in 13 minutes 15 Box Jumps (24/20) 12 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 30 Air Squats 24 Sit-ups
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