
Start by working on hitting a heavy thruster for the day. This should serve as a strength component and help dial us in for the met-con. During the met-con we’ll be using a you go, I go format. Each partner will run through the entire round 5+5+5, then switch. Accumulate as many full rounds as possible in the 17 minutes Strength Take 15 minutes to find a heavy single Thurster from the rack Conditioning In teams of 2 working for 17 minutes 5 Thrusters (95/65) 5 Bar Facing Burpees 5 Chest to Bar pull-ups
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Interval work today guys, lets move quickly and be true to the push press, no re-bending the knees. Your score will be total push press reps over the 4 rounds AMRAP in 3 minutes 2 Rope Climbs Calorie Row or Bike 15/12 10/8 ME Push Press (115/75) in remaining time rest 2 minutes repeat for a total 4 cycles
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This is classic grunt work! Go from the ground today for the “RX”. Use a weight that you could get at least 20 reps with when fresh. For Time 100 Back Squats (135/95) * Run 400M whenever you break
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Take the beginning of class to focus on skill in the Handstand Push-up. Its paired with farmers carry to keep the heart rate up throughout the EMOM. Follow your progressions on handstands and try to get comfortable being upside down and lowering into the kip bottom position. Those proficient with HSPU, go for about 60% of your max single set for each set today. Skill EMOM x 10 A. Handstand Push-ups B. Farmers Carry x4 (70/53) AMRAP in 12 minutes 10 Dead lifts (135/95) 20 Wall Ball Shots (20/14) 10/8 Calorie Row
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With our upcoming Titan Phase 3 around the corner; today is a good opportunity to see where you are with what will be one of our focus movements. What can you hit with perfect form, actually below parallel? Try not to power clean and finish with a front squat today. Pull yourself under the bar. Strength Take 20 minutes to find a heavy single Squat Clean For Time 8-6-4-2 Thrusters (135/95) Muscle Ups *Run 100M between rounds and to finish the WOD  
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