
At the call of 3,2,1 GO, athlete 1 will run through all movements, then upon returning from the 50 meter sprint, athlete 2 will do the same. Teammates will alternate in this fashion until 20 rounds are complete or until the 35 minute cap is up. * coaches -50M will be considered out to the right to normal cone placement then back inside. In Teams of 2 using “You Go, I Go” Format 20 Rounds for time (10 each) 10 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Overhead Plate Lunges (45/25) 10 Pull-ups 50M Run cap 35 minutes
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When – CrossFit Thermal is happy to host Row’d Royalty Workouts every Friday afternoon starting at 3:30 as well as every Saturday morning at 8am.   Row’d Royalty was born in 2012 in California. Several athletes claimed to be the “Best rower in the gym” and were eager to prove themselves. All members were encouraged to participate, even if only for fun. The response was incredible, and everyone had a blast – because anyone can row! Now, Row’d Royalty is open to the whole CrossFit community and beyond. Let’s find out who the best rowers are in our Affiliates, Community, and the World! Each week for 4 weeks a rowing workout will be announced. You’ll have 4 days to complete the workout and submit your score. Registration is Open Cost Per Individual: $20.00 (Early Registration) Read all the details here…
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If you’ve never done a “Death By” workout before, here is how it works. You’ll complete 1 rep on the first minute, then 2 on the second and 3 on the third etc etc..You’re adding one rep each minute until you miss (die). These will be power cleans and power jerks. 15 minute max. Take at least 5 minutes to recover then we’ll be pulling out the rowers and trying one of the “Row’d Royalty” workouts from last year. Death by Clean and Jerk (135/95) Cap 15 Minutes “Row’d Royalty 16.4” Row 500M During a 2 minute “rest” 20 Burpees over the rower After 2 minutes are up Row 500M score is total time including the rest time.
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Take the first 20 minutes of class to get serious about your overhead squat position and mobilize. We’ll go over bracing sequence , activating your shoulders as well as hit some ankle and hip mobility. Choose where you are in the overhead squat and spend another 20 minutes actually practicing the movement, PVC, empty bar or loaded bar depending on ability. Mobility / Positioning Overhead Squat Prep Overhead Mobility Squat Mobility Active Shoulders and Bracing Sequence Overhead Squat PVC Pipe to a box Empty Bar Practice or Overhead Squat 5,5,5 Conditioning AMRAP in 9 Minutes 30 Double Unders 20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 30 Air Squats 20 Push-ups
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For those of you that wonder where we come up with some of the strength pieces we do, I wanted to share some info today.  Newbies read no further, just show up and be ready to go! Almost every dead lift program out there is designed to increase raw strength and therefore is based on improving 1RM over the course of the program.  In our case we’ve decided to work on volume as its more directly related to what we do as CrossFitters. The University of Cal Poly has a program that was designed for sprinters and is based on volume.   The issue is that its a 3 day program and it urges no other barbell training during the cycle.  For us, what I’ve done is combined the 3 days into one day of training and augmented the percentages to work in an hour class but still stay as...
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