
Today, lets work on some skills.  Choose a rep range and scale or variation that best suits your ability.  Aim to get better today, no recording in WODIFY. EMOM x24 A. Power Snatch x 5 (115/75) B. Double Unders (20,30, 40 or practice) C. Handstand Push-ups (5-10) or practice :40 D. KB Farmers Carry x 4 lengths (70/53)
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For 20 minutes move through these 5 movements as quickly as possible changing partners after each movement. There are 5 movements, so each round you’ll alternate who does which. As an added twist we’ll only be counting full rounds today, so push hard to get through each round completely. AMRAP in 20 minutes alternating movements with a partner 10 Box Jumper Overs (24/20) 10 Push-ups 10 Pull-ups 10 Sit-ups 10 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
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Leading into our overhead squat cycle, lets take a day and practice the move. Build up to a heavy 3 rep set, only counting reps with perfect form and full depth. For our met-con let’s hit a lower skill, triplet. These movements should be pretty seamless allowing you to go fast and hard for the full 10 minutes! For scoring count the last set as your “rounds” and anything extra as reps. For example if you finish 12,12 and 12, that would be 12 rounds, then get 10 of the first movement in the round of 14 you score would be 12 + 10. Strength Overhead Squat 3,3,3 Conditioning AMRAP in 10 minutes 2 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 2 Overhead Plate Lunges (45/25) 2 V-ups 4,4,4 6,6,6 etc
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Use the start of class to work through a short EMOM designed to prepare you the intervals ahead. Activate your shoulders in the handstand hold and dial in rowing technique on a short calorie row. Spend some time practicing your jerk so that you’re ready to go hard and fast on the intervals. At the call of 3,2,1 GO, sprint through a 200M Row then power clean your bar and hit 6 unbroken jerks – then record your time.  Record your worst time in WODIFY. Rest about 2 minutes and repeat for a total of 5 intervals Warm-up EMOM A. Row 10 Cal B. Hand stand Hold :30/30 5 Intervals for time 200M Row 6 Push-Jerks (165/115)
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Longer style Met-con today guys, take a few minutes to prep for dead lifts / wall balls prior to the start of this WOD. Our legs should be pretty smoked from this one, a round of tabata air squats will make for an extra spicy cash out. Go for max Reps!! For Time Run 800M 50 Wall Balls (20/14) 30 Dead lifts (155/105) 25 Wall Balls (20/14) 15 Dead lifts (155/105) Run 800M Cash Out Tabata Air Squats
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