
Come in today ready to get right after this Met-con! We’ll do a quick warm-up to make sure our dead lifts are ready then get after it. Once we’re done, we’ll have time to recover then move into some dedicated time to work on Toes to Bar skills. Choose which rep scheme is most appropriate for you. *60 Wall balls, 30 deads etc…. For Time 60-40-20-10 Wall Balls (20/14) 30-20-10-5 Dead lifts (165/115) Skill Toes to Bar A. Accumulate 40 Strict B. Accumulate 40 Kipping C. 5×5 Perfect Kipping D 5×3 Perfect Kipping E. 8×2 Perfect Kipping F. Kipping Practice, ROM  
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Karen was a competitive dancer throughout high school, yet after joining the freshmen 15 club in college she began to work out in a gym. During college, she would use the treadmill and elliptical, never touching a free weight. It was during grad school where she discovered weight training and found a sense of empowerment and drive. She was determined to be a strong doc in a male dominated profession. Karen currently practices at Spinal Care Chiropractic in Collegeville. She initially found herself in situations where she would listen to a patient describe a CrossFit-related injury; unfamiliar with CrossFit terminology she would have to step out of the treatment room to YouTube a movement in order to properly diagnose. That was far too time consuming. It was May 2016 when Karen joined the Thermal community determined to learn and understand the lingo to better treat her athlete patients. What started...
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Front squat training to start the day today gang, let’s get to work.  Remember your final set or “money set” is 3+ meaning aim for a minimum of 3 reps but push the envelope and get as many reps as you can.  The met-con is a straight up burner with limited time needed to coach / set-up.  Heads down and GOOOOOOO! Strength Titan Day 5 Front Squat 3 @ 50% 3 @ 60 % 3 @ 70% 3 @ 80% 3 + @ 90% Conditioning AMRAP in 10 Minutes Sprint 400M Then in remaining Time 10 Burpees Over Bar 10 Thrusters (75/55) 20 Sit-ups
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CrossFit Thermal is Closed today, enjoy the Holiday, back to normal hours tomorrow.
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Don’t forget to head over to CrossFit KOP to watch the ladies throwdown after you hit this WOD. Working in teams of 2, start with a 200 M run while carrying a med ball – switch at will while running. Once the run is complete run through the MBC wall balls, pull-ups and lunges working one at a time. Athletes may use different scales for pull-ups and share the workload as they see fit. Someone should always be working – use quick transitions and work together. “All About the Balls” AMRAP in 20 Minutes In teams of 2 200 M Med Ball Run (20/14) 20 Med Ball Clean Wall Balls 20 Pull-ups 20 Overhead MB Lunges
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