
Strength 2RM Power Clean Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes 12 Sit-ups 15 Kettlebell Swings 12 Pull-ups
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CrossFit Games Open 17.4 AMRAP in 13 minutes 55 Dead lifts (225/155) 55 Wall Balls (20/14 55 Calorie Row 55 HSPU
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Bench Press 5,5,5,5,5 Conditioning 5 Rounds For Time 30 Double Unders 10 Burpees 3 Clean and Jerks (155/105)
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Take the first few minutes of class to work some gymnastics – either hit some strict pull-ups for strength, or work ring muscle-ups if you’d like to get in some skill and your pull-ups are on point. For the met-con we have a bunch of mini max effort bouts. Scale the toes to bar and push-press to a number that you can hit unbroken immediately coming off of the Bike / Wall Balls. Record biggest set of Wall Balls (AMRAP) and Slowest Bike Push-press interval Strength / Skill Take 10 Minutes to Accumulate A. 40 Strict Pull-ups B. 10-15 Ring Muscle Ups * one or the other 3 Rounds with about 2 minutes recovery ME Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Toes To Bar rest 5 miuntes 3 Rounds with about 2 minutes recovery 10 Cal Bike 10 Push-Press (115/75) (unbroken)
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Let’s work some skills to start off today, handstand push-ups are around the corner, I can feel it. Sprint through the met-con guys, no breaks, always moving. Dead lift should be around 50% 1RM if scaling! Skill EMOM x 8 A. ME HSPU in :60 B. Rest For Time 21-15-9 Dead lift (225/155) Buprees over bar
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