
Hey guys please read: Use the alternating EMOM to practice two movements that we’re bound to see in the Open. Choose to do 40, 30 or 30 seconds of double under work. Pair that with chest to bar pull-up practice or scales. No set number of reps, just work on progressing the movement. For the met-con dead lifts should be light / moderate, and plate lunges are in place, with each leg counting as one rep. Alternating EMOM x 8 A. Double Unders (40,30 or :30) B. C2B Practice For Time 21-15-9 Dead lift (185/125) Toes to Bar Overhead Plate lunge (45/25)
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Here at CrossFit Thermal, we host the Open on Saturday mornings, that’s where the magic is for us.  We understand that not everyone will be able to make it on Saturday’s, life takes over on weekends, we get that, and we want to accommodate everyone.  If you want to do the Open on a day other than Saturday, please read these guidelines. Thank you  You have to be registered for the Open and on Thermal’s team.  We’re not going to make accommodations for someone that didn’t want to register, or for someone from another gym. It’s your responsibility to find a judge and verify that they can count for you.  Don’t ask someone who just joined or your girlfriend / boyfriend etc… verify with the coach that your judge is fit to count for you.  In addition to having a judge / counter, someone that has passed the judges course...
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Guys, when you sign up for the Open, you have to join the team “CrossFit Thermal” Go into your profile and edit where it says “team” and select CrossFit Thermal You may have to do this for the “affiliate” as well. Thanks
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Thanks to Pat Sherwood and CF Linchpin for this WOD. A Workout fromt “the 12 Tests”, aka, the Linchpin Dirty Dozen, which were created by Pat Sherwood as a way for athletes and coaches to measure progress and expose weaknesses. They cover a broad range of movements, loadings, repetition ranges, and time domains. This is one of their heavy ones. 4 Rounds for Time 4 Power Cleans (205/145) 4 Front Squats 4 Shoulder to Overhead Accessory Work – not for time to be completed after clean up and recovery. Accumulate 40 HSPU or Scale or Accumulate 20 Strict Pull-ups + 20 Strict Ring Dips
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Let’s start today with somewhat of a structured warm-up. We’ll pull out a bunch of dumbbells and kettlebells and allow you to practice one arm snatches. Try different techniques and weights and get comfortable with the movement since we’ll likely see it in the Open soon. Of course we’ll coach the movement in advance so you understand what it should look like. After that we’ll be hitting an Open repeat from 2013 – snatches and burpees. In 2013, we had to do burpees to a target 6″ above our reach. If you want to set that up, have at it, otherwise just make sure your burpees are legit – as always. Warm-up EMOM x 10 Minutes A. Bike / Row :40 B. One Arm Snatch Practice Reebok CrossFit Games Open Workout 13.1 17 min time cap 40 burpees, 30 snatches (75/45 lbs) 30 burpees, 30 snatches (135/75 lbs) 20 burpees,...
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