
CrossFit Thermal’s exciting Open announcement #2 Hey guys, as you know this Saturday we’ll be hosting the CrossFit Games Open Workout 17.1.  Before Saturday’s kickoff, we like to start the games season with an an announcement viewing party!  Starting after the 6:30 class on Thursday, we’ll tune into the live feed from Dave Castro and the CrossFit Games, we can watch the action of 17.1 unfold live right here at Thermal! Castro will announce Open Workout 17.1 from Reebok CrossFit Louvre in Paris, France. Shortly after the announcement, we’ll throw it to an entirely different country as Patrick Vellner and Brent Fikowski—2016’s third- and fourth-fittest men on Earth, respectively—kick off the 2017 Games season from Reebok CrossFit Yul, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. We’ll also get to watch 2013 Games champion Samantha Briggs and 2016 Games 12th-place finisher Kristin Holte throw down on 17.1 in Paris. This is a great way to get into the...
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Let’s hit some strength work to start off the week, lock those knees on the way up and press! For the met-con, scale bar MU to c2b pull-ups, pull-ups or MU progressions as needed. As always, one of the best ways to scale is with volume, get as close to the prescribed movement as possible.  Strength Take 12 minutes to build up to a heavy 2RM Push Press Take 8 minutes to complete 2×3 @80% of today’s heavy set Conditioning 4 Rounds for Time 20 KB Swings (55/35) 7 Bar Muscle-Ups 20 Wall Balls (20/14)
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In teams of 3 you’ll be moving through this triplet in “snake” fashion. Think of it like baseball, an athlete can only occupy one “base” (or in this case movement) at a time, as the station in front of you becomes available, you move forward. Count complete rounds as – everyone completing each movement counts as one round. We’ll be counting only full rounds today.  “Snake Hoppin” AMRAP in 25 minutes 30 Double Unders 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20″) 10 Over head squats (75/55)
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With 6 rounds for time today guys, use a power snatch weight that is manageable for quick singles.  Dial in toes to bar and scale with either volume or range of motion.  As an alternative go to lying toes to bar or sit-ups as needed. Finish up today with an all out 1 minute sprint on the assault bike – max calories is the goal! 6 Rounds For Time 6 Power Snatches (135/95) 10 Toes To Bar 200 M Run Cash Out AMRAP in 1 Minute ME assault bike calories
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Chipper time!! Move through this taking short rest as needed. Once you finish, glance at the clock and rest exactly one minute. Then on your own complete a ME set of burpees. You’ll record both pieces for today. For Time 50 Wall Balls (20/14) 40 Pull-ups (RX+ C2B) 30 Hang Squat Cleans (115/75) 20 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75) 10 Muscle Ups rest 1 minute AMRAP in 1 minute ME burpees
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