This is a chipper designed to test your gymnastic skills on the fives (5, 15, 25, 35 reps) Triple unders? Oh yeah! For those comfortable with double unders, here is a new challenge for you. (see progression video here: Scale to 45 double unders if you’d rather scale down. As for the rest, hopefully...Read More
Today we’ll review the clean and split jerk in-depth during warm up. For those that haven’t properly learned the split jerk, this is a great opportunity to try something new. We’ll give the most of class for you to work on your lifts. Coaches have discretion for an unscored cash out if time allows. Strength...Read More
The Girls on Girls competition at CF KOP is just around the corner on Jan 16th. I know everyone is looking to have fun with this, but I also know that doing well is fun as hell, lets talk PREPARATION. I’m thinking we should try to get the ladies who are competing together for some...Read More
For strength find a heavy 5 rep push press and use that same weight for 3 total working sets. Be sure to use your legs for that initial dip and drive. The AMRAP starts with a run, then you’ll come in and do 10 shoulder to overheads – this means you can do push presses...Read More
Take the first 15-20 minutes of class to find a new 1RM overhead squat from the racks. You’ll want to get setup like a back squat and push press or jerk from that position to overhead. The metcon is 3 rounds for time of 9 front squats, 15 knees-to-elbows and 21 KB swings. Front squats...Read More
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of “rotate”, the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given...Read More
Strength is a 5 rep max front squat – drive those elbows up from the bottom of your squat and once the bar gets heavy you may want to treat each rep as a single effort instead of trying to rep them out as quickly as possible. The metcon is an ascending ladder – clean...Read More
CrossFit Thermal will host one workout this Friday at 10:00am, here are the details. Everyone who shows up can bring with them a WOD that they have chosen from main site (when CrossFitters say that, they mean We’ll take all the workouts that we have and throw them into a hat and select one...Read More