
Today is a chipper – you run through this ONCE (thankfully). Dead lifts should be moderate (complete in 3-4 sets max). Box jump overs are what they sound like, but you may jump on top of the box and then over (no need to open the hip completely). Scale muscle ups to 20 chest to...
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No, that’s not a typo, we’re finding a 20RM back squat today. You can look at the results from 2/9/15 to compare. For most people, this may be 60% of your 1RM or even more. The best way to approach this is with a moderate cadence – do not try to do these reps quickly....
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Today let’s get back to gymnastics and work on our handstand progressions. Use the time to work on something harder than what you typically do in workouts. For the metcon, “shoulder to overhead” means either a shoulder press, push press, or any kind of jerk. If you don’t have the shoulder and lat strength to...
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Take 20 minutes to find a max weight for the complex below. Make sure each rep is exactly as written, i.e. don’t combine the second deadlift and first hang power clean into a power clean from the ground. You must hold onto the bar without letting go, but you may regrip in your hip crease...
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For Strength today, we’ll be working on push press. Complete 2 sets of 5 increasing the load if needed. Then complete 2 sets of 3 with heavier weight in the same fashion. A good place to start if you have a true 1RM for your push press, is around 70-75% for your sets of 5...
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For strength, take the bar out of the rack and find a 3RM overhead squat. Mobility and staying tight in the bottom are the keys to success for this. In the metcon, you’ll become very familiar with your kettlebell. Start each round with 25 swings, then hold onto the kettlebell for your 25m walking lunges...
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Today’s team workout will be done in groups of 3. Athlete A will run 200m while Athlete B is doing bar muscle ups and Athlete C is doing thrusters. Once Athlete A comes in, they start on bar muscle ups, Athlete B moves to thrusters, and Athlete C goes out on the run. Rotate in...
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Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too? We’re going to do some weightlifting and some WEIGHT lifting to get our pump on. We’ll start with finding a 1 rep clean and jerk – yes, full cleans are good for your soul. For those heading to the beach this weekend or going...
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Time to work on those pull-ups again! Make them more difficult than last time by either using a harder scale or more sets/reps. The metcon is going back to some basic movements. The idea is to try to keep moving through at a steady pace, don’t go all out in the first round! There is...
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Take 20-25 minutes to find a max weight for the snatch complex. Snatch pull is with straight arms and no intentional bend, although if they bend as a result of the bar ascending, that’s fine. Hang onto the bar and do a hang (squat) snatch, then a full (squat) snatch from the ground. You may...
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