
The “Death By” format is always a fun one, let’s get after it today with some clean and jerks!  A few months back we tried this with power snatches and it was a lot of fun.  On the first minute complete 1 clean and jerk, on the 2nd minute 2, on the third three so on and so on until you can not complete the number for reps needed for the minute you are on.  Once you fail, take a minute off then start working your way back up from 3 again, climb back up as high as you can until 16 minutes are up.  If you make it the full 16 minutes you are a beast or beastette!  For some un-timed accessory work after the clean and jerks, tackle some rope climbs as listed below. For 16 minutes “Death by Clean and Jerks” (135/95) Accessory Work Accumulate 10 (of...
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For the first part of class today, work on handstand push-up skills.  Complete 5-7 reps on the minute for 8 minutes.  If scaling, use multiple ab mats, stink bugs, box variations or even dumbbell press to address your individual needs.  For the met-con, we’ve got a long one today.  Pace smart, but keep moving! Skill EMOM x 8 5-7 Handstand Push-ups Conditioning AMRAP in 20 Minutes Run 400 M 12 Back Squats (95/65 – from the floor) 21 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)
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Ok, guys the much anticipated 1st Annual CrossFit Thermal Lady’s Pro AM is this Thursday night at 6:30pm.  We’ve got a lot of details to get out and we’re really excited to kick this thing off, so here is mostly everything you’ll need to know. We’ll still be having a 6:30 class, gang, don’t worry.  6:30ers will be hitting their WOD while the Lady’s prep and warm-up for the Pro-AM.  That being said the class will be truncated and “met-con” only, to allow for the event to take place and kick off at around 7:00pm.  For the 6:30 crowd looking to get strength work in as well, the Forge will be open and we encourage you to hit your lifts then join us in the main gym for the event. The main event: 6 teams of two ladies will take the field and start WOD 1 at around 7:00pm. WOD...
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For today’s complex you’ll be working on clean technique, specifically speed under the bar.  Start with a power clean, then go immediately to 2 hang cleans (squat).  Focus on pulling yourself under the bar and “bouncing” out of the hole.  Complete exactly 6 working sets. Working sets: actual sets above 50% after all warm-up sets are completed. The Met-con, is sprint style conditioning , go fast and hard taking as few breaks as you can. Strength Complete the following complex for six sets, and record your heaviest. Complex 29 (Power Clean + Hang Clean) 6 x 1+2 4  Rounds for Time 7 Hang clean and jerks (115/75) 14 Sit-ups 7 Dead lifts (115/75)
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“Cindy” is a great test of body weight endurance! Scale as needed for pull-ups and push-ups but keep moving, and maintain range of motion.  Who can get 20 rounds? “Cindy” AMRAP in 20 minutes 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats
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