
At the sound of 3,2,1 GO, begin your workout with a 200M run followed by 40 Kettlebell swings.  Once you complete your 40 swings you may rest until the 6:00 mark.  From 6:00 to 18:00 find the heaviest single power snatch you can hit in that time frame.  We routinely test strength when we’re fresh, so today, we’re heading outside the box to test our strength after our heart rates are already up.  Be ready to move fast again at the 18:00 minute mark, with a 7 minute AMRAP triplet.  Go all out here for max rounds and reps with light weight and double unders. With a Running 25 minute clock 0:00 to 6:00 Run 200M then Complete 40 Kettlebell Swings From 6:00 to 18:00 Find a heavy single power snatch 18:00 to 25:00 AMRAP in 7 minutes 6 Power Snatches (95/65) 6 Overhead Squats (95/65) 25 Double Unders
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Set up four stations and rotate through every :60 seconds.  There is no built in rest so, take short rests as needed, but try to keep moving.  After the AMRAP, rest 5 minutes then head outside for some alternating 200M sprints. AMRAP in 16 minutes ME :Thrusters (45#) ME: BJO 24/20 ME: Push-ups ME: Toes to Bar In Teams of 2 4 x 200M Sprint (alternating)
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Lots of skill today guys, SCALE as needed.  Start out by working rope climbs, do two if you can, otherwise scale to 1 climb or 3:1 rope pulls.  Today’s metcon is longer than yesterday at 14 minutes, choose a weight for the hang cleans that you can do in no more than 2 sets.  Bar muscles ups – YUP, we gotta do em.  If you can’t get it, go with c2b pull-ups or other pull-up variations – no dips today. Alternating EMOM for 8 minutes A. 2 Rope Climbs B. Calorie Row 12/10 AMRAP in 14 minutes 12 burpees 9 Hang Power Cleans (115/75) 6 Bar Muscle Ups
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For Strength today, we’ll be doing a complex from the rack.  Complete 3 push presses, then 1 jerk (read: 3+1).  Be sure not to jerk one of the push presses, as this will be a common fault.  For the met-con, buy in with 75 double unders then fly through the 21-15-9 sprint.  Each leg counts as a rep for the lunges. Strength Take 20 minutes to find a heavy complex of Push Press + Push Jerk (3+1) Conditioning For Time 75 Double Unders 21-15-9 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65) Front Rack Lunges
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Strength Front Squat 5×5 (75% 1 RM) Conditioning 3 Rounds For Time 15 Kettlebell Swings (70/53) 30 Wall Balls (20/14) 15 Push-ups
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