
We’re gonna kick it old school with an OG CrossFit Thermal Happy Hour! Please join us on September 30th, at 6:30pm at Tierra Caliente, on Fayette St in Conshohocken.  We love to workout together, but once in a while we need to just shut it down and have some fun.  Come by and meet Roberto, the best Margarita slinger in Conshy! Happy hours are a great way to get to know members of the community that you might otherwise not see on a regular basis.  Please feel free to bring friends and relatives if you’d like, this is going to be an awesome time. In addition, the Happy Hour celebration will serve as the kickoff party for our Fall Nutrition Challenge. This year will be the best yet with an interactive format and prizes! We hope to see everyone there!
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This is a workout from the upcoming “Girls on Girls V” competition this coming weekend. Come out and support our two Thermal teams: Courtney/Kelli and Jess/Kate! At the call of 3-2-1-GO!, Partner A will complete 4 Pullups. Partner B will complete 4 Barbell Thrusters and Partner A will complete 4 Burpees. For the remainder of minute one, both partners will rest and change positions. In minute two, Partner B will complete 5 Pullups, Partner A will complete 5 Thrusters and Partner B 5 Burpees. Both will rest until the end of the minute. Teams will continue this pattern, incrementing each movement by one rep each minute, until they cannot complete the required reps in that round. Teams will finish at different times and the maximum amount of time any team will be on the floor will be ten minutes. “Hurry Up!” In partners, 10 min AMRAP/EMOM Partner A: 4 pull-ups...
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Take the bar from the floor for the push press and jerk complex. Most likely you’ll power clean it. Make sure to only bend your knees once for each of the push presses – then either a push jerk or split jerk. The metcon is the benchmark “Annie” last done on July 5, 2015. There will be a time cap of 10 minutes, so you can choose either to go at it Rx’d or scale the numbers to fit under the time cap. Strength find a heavy complex of 1 Power Clean + 3 Push presses + 1 jerk Conditioning “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 double unders sit-ups time cap: 10:00
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For Strength today, build up to a heavy (not max) 2 rep back squat, once you’ve built up to that, take it down to about 75% and complete 2 sets of 3 pause back squats (3 second pause).  Conditioning has a “buy in” of 100 double unders, after that run through the remaining triplet as many times as possible.  Hang cleans should be light, but maybe not light enough to complete unbroken sets of 12.  Scale c2b pull-ups to pull-ups, jumping pull-ups or ring rows – KEEP MOVING. Strength Back Squat Heavy set of 2 Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes 100 Double Unders then… 15 Kettlebell Swings 55/35 12 Hang Cleans (squat) 115/75 9 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
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Mike D, a regular 6am’er, is getting hitched today! So let’s celebrate with a partner workout. Partition as necessary – you can either split the work for each movement or one person can handle all reps. If you do legless rope climbs, Mike D will give you a high five. (but any type of rope climb is Rx’d) Scale each rope climb to 3 rope pulls. “Mike D Gets Hitched” In partners, AMRAP in 20 minutes: 10 power cleans, 155/105# 20 wall balls, 20/14# 2 rope climbs
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