
For the alternating EMOM, let’s work on our strict pull-ups and also our kipping or butterfly. If you use a band, it’s fine to do strict and kipping, but if you would rather do 7-8 strict, that’s also fine. The sumo deadlift high pull is usually only seen in Fight Gone Bad for us, but the mechanics of the movement apply to a lot that we do: cleans, snatches, rowing, etc. Coaches know this as “core to extremity” but it’s basically “big muscles first, then medium, then smaller muscles.” For the metcon, this is an ascending ladder of deadlifts and toes-to-bar. Your score in WODIFY will be the round you completed plus extra reps. (e.g. if you finish the round of 12 and get 7 reps into the 14’s, your score is 12+7.) Alternating EMOM for 10 minutes: A) 5 strict pull-ups + 5 kipping/butterfly pull-ups B) 5-10 sumo deadlift...
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Run through these movements as fast as you can. You must go in order and you must complete each set of 20 reps before moving onto the next movement. The catch is that every minute, you have to stop and do 4 burpees over the bar. This creates a great deal of urgency! Scale the weight accordingly and you might even need to scale the number of burpees if 4 reps take you more than 30 seconds. For time: 20 hang power cleans 20 front squats 20 push presses 20 squat cleans 20 deadlifts 20 thrusters Use 115/75# for Rx’d. EMOM 4 burpees over bar.
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Find a new 1 rep front squat from the racks. Breathe into and brace your belly, not your lungs (if that makes sense). If you have a belt, wear it. The metcon is a series of sprints. Rest about equal time, but that will also be dictated by size of classes. Record your fastest time in Wodify, but write your other 4 times in the notes section. Strength 1RM front squat Conditioning 5 rounds: 250m row rest about 1 minute
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Take the beginning of class to find a max weight for the snatch complex. You should be going to full depth for both the hang snatch and snatch. You may also drop/reset between the two movements. “Helen” is a CF benchmark – This should be fairly quick, in the 8-12 minute range, so scale accordingly. Strength Take 20 Minutes to find a heavy complex Hang snatch + snatch Test “Helen” 3 rounds for time: 400m run 21 KB swings, 53/35# 12 pull-ups
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Labor Day WOD AMRAP in 20 minutes in teams of 2: run 400m w/medball 20/14# 30 burpees over medball 40 wall balls
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