
Each member of a team will start at a different station. Do as many reps as possible at that station for 1 minute. After each minute, rotate to the next station. Continue in this fashion for 20 minutes. Lunges may be in place or walking depending on space (each leg counts as 1 rep) For the farmer carries, you hold one KB in each hand; 1 rep = 4 mats (24 ft). Your score is total reps. “Grunt Work” AMRAP, Teams of 5: wall balls, 20/14# overhead lunges, 45/25# burpees KB farmer carry, 4 mats, 53/35# rowing, cals
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Get in three heavy sets of five push presses from the rack. Make sure to only bend the knees once per push press (no jerk landings). For the metcon, scale the HSPUs with pike box push-ups or stink bugs. Rope climbs should be scaled to 3:1 rope pulls. Strength Push press 5, 5, 5 Conditioning AMRAP in 15 minutes: 14 box jumps, 24/20″ 12 HSPUs 2 rope climbs
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For strength you can choose the weights for the power cleans. Ideally you use the same weights across the entire EMOM, but if you need to change within the EMOM because you went too light or too heavy, that’s fine. Power cleans should be heavy enough that you need to do singles.  The metcon is kind of like an AMRAP, but in interval format. Using the same bar at 80% of the EMOM weight, you have 3 minutes to get through as many rounds as possible of those movements. Then you rest for 1 minute. Then you do another 3 minutes of work, picking up where you left off. So if you get 2 rounds plus 7 deadlifts in the first set, start the second set by doing your 8th, 9th, and 10th deadlift, etc. Your score is total rounds.   Strength EMOM for 10 minutes: A) 3 heavy power...
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We’ve done 20 rep back squats before, so check your wodify history in case you have a number to beat. These shouldn’t be treated as very fast squats. Take your time in between reps and be sure to breathe. If you’re doing it right, it should start getting tough around rep 13. Don’t do 20 reps each set – figure out a safe number to start at and establish a weight (especially if you’ve never done this before). Your total 20 rep sets should only be 2 or 3. (That’s 40-60 squats!) The metcon is a quick, heavy workout. Thrusters should be heavy where you probably will break it up in 2 or 3 sets for the 15s. Scale toes-to-bar to limited range of motion or V-ups. Strength 20RM back squat Conditioning For time: 15-10-5 thrusters, 135/95# toes-to-bar
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Today’s metcon is a triplet: 5 rounds of power snatches, pull-ups, and push-ups. Once you are done with the 5 rounds, you run 800m and then call TIME. (you only run 800m once; it is not included in the 5 rounds) If you need to scale, either modify the movements (i.e. banded pull-ups and/or elevated push-ups) and keep the volume OR keep the movement, but modify the number of reps. If you choose to reduce the reps, do not go lower than half of the pull-ups or push-ups. 5 rounds for time: 10 power snatches, 115/75# 20 pull-ups 30 push-ups then 800m run
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