
Strength is not a 3 rep max – instead, choose a weight you can do 3 sets of 3 reps at that same weight. The metcon is a repeat of Open workout 12.2. The snatches may be power or full snatches. Notice that the women’s weights are different than we usual scale to. Depending on your strength, you may choose to do the Rx version and simply test as far as you can go. However, if you don’t have the strength or if you’d like to get through more reps, then you might want to do these weights for the ladder: 75/45, 95/55, 115/65, 135/85 Strength Back squat 3×3 Conditioning Open WOD 12.2 AMRAP in 10 minutes: 30 snatches, 75/45# 30 snatches, 135/75# 30 snatches, 165/100# 30 snatches, 210/120#
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For the alternating EMOM, setup several bench press stations with 135/95, or a scaled weight. You’ll do 5-10 bench press reps depending on your strength. On the opposite minutes, you’ll do 12 goblet lunges – these are alternating lunges (6L/6R) while holding a KB in front of your chest with both hands. For logistics, one group might start on lunges while the other starts on bench. The metcon is an ascending ladder of clean and jerks and burpees over bar. The CJs are intended to be power cleans and push jerks or push presses (“Grace” style) Alternating EMOM for 10 min: A) 5-10 Bench press, 135/95# B) 12 goblet lunges, 53/35# AMRAP in 12 minutes: 1 clean and jerk, 135/95# 3 burpees over bar 2 clean and jerks 6 burpees over bar 3 clean and jerks 9 burpees over bar 4, 12..5, 15..etc
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This workout is for total time, but there is built in rest. Deadlift weight should be around 75% of your 1RM. Beginners can either scale this to 5 rounds, or reduce the amount of pull-ups. Patrick Daniel Tillman (5/6/76–4/22/04) was a professional football player who left the National Football League and enlisted in the United States Army in May 2002. He joined the Army Rangers and served multiple tours in combat before he was killed in the mountains of Afghanistan. He was a recipient of the Silver Star, the third highest honor in the military, and a Purple Heart. Pat is survived by his wife Marie. He is also remembered through the foundation named in his honor; the mission being to inspire people to make positive changes in themselves and in the world around them.” “Tillman” 7 Rounds for time of: 7 Deadlifts, 315/215# 200m Sprint 15 Pull-Ups 45 Second...
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Take the bar out of the rack and find a 1 rep max overhead squat. The metcon is an up and down chipper – scale the knees-to-elbows to V-ups and scale the double unders to a reasonable number if needed. Strength 1RM OHS Conditioning For time: 25 knees-to-elbows 50 KB swings, 53/35# 75 double unders 100 wall balls, 20/14# 75 double unders 50 KB swings, 53/35# 25 knees-to-elbows
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Strength is intended to be an unbroken set of power cleans. You may not regrip while the bar is on the floor, but you may adjust your grip in the front rack or hang if needed. In other words, touch and go when the plates touch the ground. If you need to squat, that’s fine, but most people will power clean. The metcon is a descending ladder of pull-ups and box jumps with sit-ups in between sets. So you’ll do 10 pull-ups, 10 box jumps, and 15 sit-ups. Then do 9 pull-ups, 9 box jumps, and 15 sit-ups, etc. down to 1 pull-up, 1 box jump, and 15 sit-ups to finish. Strength 5RM clean Conditioning For time: 10-1 Pull-ups box jumps, 24/20″  15 sit-ups after each set
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