Strength is intended to be an unbroken set of power cleans. You may not regrip while the bar is on the floor, but you may adjust your grip in the front rack or hang if needed. In other words, touch and go when the plates touch the ground. If you need to squat, that’s fine, but most people will power clean. The metcon is a descending ladder of pull-ups and box jumps with sit-ups in between sets. So you’ll do 10 pull-ups, 10 box jumps, and 15 sit-ups. Then do 9 pull-ups, 9 box jumps, and 15 sit-ups, etc. down to 1 pull-up, 1 box jump, and 15 sit-ups to finish. Strength 5RM clean Conditioning For time: 10-1 Pull-ups box jumps, 24/20″ 15 sit-ups after each set
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