
For bench press, this is meant to just get a quick three sets of 5 bench press in. The weight should be the same across all 3 sets. For the partner workout, one person will row 500m while the other works on the AMRAP – when the rower gets off, they pick up wherever their teammate left off in the AMRAP. Your score will be total rounds and reps as a team in 15 minutes. (Rower does not count in reps) Strength Bench press 3 x 5 Conditioning In teams of 2: AMRAP in 15 minutes: 10 toes-to-bar 20 KB swings, 53/35# 30 double unders 40 walking lunges while rotating 500m row
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Huge congratulations to Paul Buchanan, for winning the Spring Nutrition Challenge.  Paul, aka, Paleo Paul, aka Prospect Paul, dove right in and absolutely destroyed the challenge, losing 14 pounds and 3% body fat in 30 days.  Paul remained on SFH supplements but was otherwise strict throughout the 30 days.  Paul had some slip ups, but was always quick to jump back on the wagon, he also kept up with CrossFit 4-5 days per week.  The bottom line, and what was evident from Paul’s journal entries was that Paul was all in.  He didn’t ask me if it was ok to eat whole grain, 17 grain, super grain or any kind of grain he just cut out the stuff 100%.  He ELIMINATED the foods that destroy your gut and spike your insulin causing you to store body fat.  How many calories did he eat?  WHO CARES, because he was eating the...
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In warm-up, do 5 rounds of pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats. Pick a reasonable number for each movement; some guidelines are given as merely suggestions. This is not for time, just to get loose for Murph on Monday. The metcon is an AMRAP version of “DT.” Instead of “for time,” let’s see how many rounds you can do of the same rep scheme. Some of you finished 5 rounds in around 10 minutes (4/1/16 was the last time we did this) so can anyone get 7 rounds? 8 rounds? 9???? Strength 5 rounds not for time: 5-8 pull-ups 8-12 push-ups 12-15 air squats Conditioning AMRAP in 15 minutes: 12 deadlifts, 155/105# 9 hang power cleans, 155/105# 6 push jerks, 155/105#
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This is a classic “girl” benchmark. If you are newer to CrossFit, there are two ways to scale this workout: one way is to cut the reps to 15 or 20 per round, but still do 5 rounds. This is a good way to get the running in and to feel what it’s like to do 5 rounds. The other way is to do 3 or 4 rounds. The benefit of this method is that you can see where you are after that 3rd or 4th round. It can be a “game time decision” as to whether you stop or continue (at the coach’s discretion) “Kelly” 5 rounds for time: Run 400m 30 box jumps, 24/20″ 30 wall balls, 20/14#
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With a running clock of 20 minutes, row 1k for time. Then find a max snatch in the remaining time. Warm up prior to starting and have weights out that you think you will need. You may power snatch or full snatch. At exactly 20:00, row 500m for time. You will have three scores: 1k row time, snatch weight, and 500m row time. In 20 minutes: row 1k find 1RM snatch at 20:00, row 500m
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1 156 157 158 159 160 246